Images in header and footer not appearing

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6/17/2010 7:19:00 AM
Total Posts 17

Images in header and footer not appearing


Sorry if this has already been answered somewhere. I did have a good look around and couldn't find anything.

I've been using a skin that has images in both the header and the footer that are inside divs so they can be floated accordingly.#

They work fine on most pages but the header and footer fails to display any images on a few pages, such as any pages with forums, or any of the page settings/site admin pages. It still seems to find the background-images for the header and footer though, just not the ones put in with <img> tags.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



6/17/2010 7:23:58 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Images in header and footer not appearing

Hi Andy,

It has to do with how it is resolving the url to the image, please post an example of how your <img is configured in your layout.master file then I can probably tell you how to fix it.



6/17/2010 7:36:56 AM
Total Posts 17

Re: Images in header and footer not appearing

Hi Joe,

One of the images is in layout.master as follows:

<img src="bottomleft_circle.jpg" id="footer_image">



6/17/2010 7:41:00 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Images in header and footer not appearing

Ok, so the image is in the skin folder?

Then change it like this:

<portal:SkinFolderImage ID="imgs1" runat="server" ImageFileName="bottomleft_circle.jpg"  AlternateText=" " />

This helper control will resolve the base path to the skin folder.

Hope it helps,


6/17/2010 7:43:54 AM
Total Posts 17

Re: Images in header and footer not appearing

Yeah the image was in the skins folder.

And that's solved it. Great stuff!!

Thanks a lot.


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