Flash 'Movie not loaded...'

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6/16/2010 11:48:30 AM
Total Posts 165

Flash 'Movie not loaded...'

Hey Everyone,

I was having no issues with flash until now, I have two different sites where the flash was working great in the header (http://www.heavenlyhelpers.org.asp1-17.websitetestlink.com/) and (http://test.omgtallahassee.com) but now for some reason I get 'Movie not loaded..." in IE and Chrome and in FireFox it says I'm missing the plug-in.

This is happening on more than one box and I have installed the plug-in more than once.

Now the odd thing is if you look at (http://www.foleyfocus.com) which is using the same code but different skins and it's working just fine.

HELP, this is driving me nuts.



6/17/2010 7:34:58 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Flash 'Movie not loaded...'

Hi Mark,

I think you are missing this setting on your ScriptLoader in layout.master in all your flash skins.

<portal:ScriptLoader ID="ScriptLoader1" runat="server" IncludeSwfObject="true" />

Hope it helps,


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