Moving the top menu (the one with the login link) and to more quistions

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6/14/2010 3:30:24 AM
Total Posts 20

Moving the top menu (the one with the login link) and to more quistions


1. Is there a way to move the top menu (the one with the login link) to the buttom of the page (ie. the fodder) or alternative make the fond smaller and aleign it to center.

2. How to remove RSS icon in the fodder

3. How do I avoid the "Site name" to be visibil on the headder picture

Hobe there is a kind person there wil be kind to answer thes "beginners questions" 

Thanks in advance


6/15/2010 6:37:54 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Moving the top menu (the one with the login link) and to more quistions

1. yes, you can move it to the bottom in the layout.master file of the skin, and you may also need to look for .topnav in css files and adjust css to position it

2. yes, remove it from layout.master

3. remove it from layout.master

Hope it helps,


6/16/2010 4:42:48 AM
Total Posts 20

Re: Moving the top menu (the one with the login link) and to more quistions

Hi Joe

It helped ;o)

It works. Thanks a lot

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