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6/8/2010 6:56:04 PM
Total Posts 2


hi everyone!

I am completely new to this world of webdesign etc. and dont have any experience with html or what so ever, and no matter which quick start tutorial I start to watch I found my self desperately lost after the fist couple of minutes

does anyone know a website that introduces to the very first steps?

I would really appreciate some help.

Thanks in advance!!!

6/9/2010 6:33:56 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: HELP!!


There is a lot to learn to become a web developer or a web designer and even more to learn both. I don't know any shortcuts, if you want to learn web design I recommend read some books on html and css (or web tutorials). If you want to learn web development there are lots of different technologies but for mojoPortal we use ASP.NET and C#, so reading books about those would be a good start. And that is just the beginning, there are lots of technologies that one needs to learn depending on what one wants to do, everything from learning javascript to learning how to configure web servers and web sites.

Hope it helps,


6/9/2010 1:37:51 PM
Total Posts 2

Re: HELP!!

well in a certain way it does ^^

thanks !

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