Can't find translation for confirmation email

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6/7/2010 6:18:28 PM
Total Posts 3

Can't find translation for confirmation email

I can't find the way of translating the newsletter subscription confirmation email

the one that says: 

Thank you for subscribing to ..
We just need to confirm that you own the email address provided on our subscription form.
To confirm your subscription, please click the link below.

It's in english but I need it in spanish

6/7/2010 6:36:34 PM
Total Posts 3

Re: Can't find translation for confirmation email

Oh! I just found it!

there's no es-NewsletterVerificationEmailMessage.config

so, here's my contribution (someone include it please, as I don't know how):

content of es-NewsletterVerificationEmailMessage.config under /data/MessageTemplates

Gracias por suscribirte a {NewsletterName}!

Necesitamos confirmar que usted es el propietario de esta cuenta de email.
Para confirmar su suscripción, haga click en el siguiente enlace.


Si usted no se suscribió, puede ignorar este mensaje, no le enviaremos ningún mensaje.

Para más información visite nuestra página

6/8/2010 6:20:00 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Can't find translation for confirmation email

Thanks! I will add this.



6/8/2010 11:54:44 AM
Total Posts 3

Re: Can't find translation for confirmation email

oh!! found two bugs.

1) the characters like á é í ó ú aren't sent right

2) the newsletter is sent in english every time, even when the site is being properly rendered in spanish 


to temporarily solve 1) I changed the text a little to use non-accented characters. So es-NewsletterVerificationEmailMessage.config goes:

Gracias por suscribirte a {NewsletterName}!

Necesitamos confirmar que usted es el propietario de esta cuenta de correo.
Para confirmar, haga click en el siguiente enlace.


Si usted no se ha suscrito, puede ignorar este mensaje, no le enviaremos spam.

Para mas informes visite nuestra web

6/9/2010 7:09:15 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Can't find translation for confirmation email

you probably need to specify a non-ascii encoding like utf-8, otherwise non-ascii characters won't display properly.

<!-- leave this blank for ascii encoding, allowed values are utf-8, utf-32, and unicode -->
  <add key="SmtpPreferredEncoding" value=""/>

Newsletter content is whatever you enter, it goes into the db, there is no automatic translation, it will be in whatever language you enter it as.

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