File Uploads...

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6/1/2010 10:24:09 AM
Total Posts 165

File Uploads...

Hey Joe,

Having a few issues with file uploads. 

1) it's resizing my images no matter if I un-check the resize to 550 x 550.  (That's really a bad thing)

2) When trying to upload a larger file I get the following: 

We're sorry but a server error has occurred while trying to process your request.

The error has been logged and will be reviewed by our staff as soon as possible. It is possible that the error was just a momentary hiccup and you may wish to use the back button and try again or go back to the home page.

I have updated the web config and those settings are below:

The URL below is a link to the log file for Piggy's... This may also so you the issue with the file manager not working.  Plus I like the

<add key="ForceLowerCaseForFolderCreation" value="true" />
<add key="ForceLowerCaseForUploadedFiles" value="true" />
<add key="ResizeImageDefaultMaxWidth" value="550" />
<add key="ResizeImageDefaultMaxHeight" value="550" />
<add key="AllowAdminsToUseDataFolder" value="false" />
<add key="ForceAdminsToUseMediaFolder" value="false" />
<add key="UserFolderDiskQuotaInMegaBytes" value="50000" />
<add key="MediaFolderDiskQuotaInMegaBytes" value="60000" />
<add key="AdminDiskQuotaInMegaBytes" value="120000" />
<add key="UserFolderMaxSizePerFileInMegaBytes" value="10000" />
<add key="MediaFolderMaxSizePerFileInMegaBytes" value="30000" />
<add key="AdminMaxSizePerFileInMegaBytes" value="20000" />
<add key="UserFolderMaxNumberOfFiles" value="1000" />
<add key="MediaFolderMaxNumberOfFiles" value="10000" />
<add key="AdminMaxNumberOfFiles" value="100000" />
<add key="UserFolderMaxNumberOfFolders" value="50" />
<add key="MediaFolderMaxNumberOfFolders" value="500" />
<add key="AdminMaxNumberOfFolders" value="1000" />

6/2/2010 9:13:40 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: File Uploads...

Hi Mark,

From this error that is logged whenever the app recycles:

2010-06-01 10:20:35,293 ERROR mojoPortal.Web.Global - Application_Start Could not register VirtualPathProvider, this error is expected when running in Medium trust or lower
System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission

I can tell that you are running under Medium Trust so the NeatUpload component cannot function and it falls back to normal ASP.NET file upload.

Then this is the error when you upload a file:

2010-06-01 10:20:46,993 ERROR mojoPortal.Web.Global - - /Dialog/FileDialog.aspx?ed=fck&type=file
System.Web.HttpException: Maximum request length exceeded.

It means the file being uploaded is larger than allowed by configuration. You should be able to solve that, look for this in a commented out part of Web.config:

<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="2097151" executionTimeout="3600" useFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl="true" />

and uncomment it to make a larger max request length allowed.

Hope it helps,


6/2/2010 10:13:52 AM
Total Posts 165

Re: File Uploads...

Thanks Joe... That did it for me.

6/2/2010 10:14:49 AM
Total Posts 165

Re: File Uploads...

One last thing Joe, is there a way to make the 2nd File Manager the default and not the JS one?  THe non-JS one just works so much better.

6/2/2010 11:46:32 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: File Uploads...

In the coming release you will be able to make it use the alternate file manager as the default with a config setting

<add key="UseAlternateFileManagerAsDefault" value="true" />

7/22/2010 6:09:06 AM
Total Posts 14
"I call the big one Bitey"

Re: File Uploads...

Hello, has the UseAlternateFileManagerAsDefault key in the web.config file been implemented yet? I checked the release notes, but couldn't find any reference.

I am a bit naff at finding things, mind.


7/23/2010 8:26:19 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: File Uploads...

It has been implemented but the settings does not exist in Web.config, you can add it if you need it, ideally in user.config

Hope it helps,


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