Location of ASPX Pages

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5/27/2010 11:05:32 AM
Total Posts 10

Location of ASPX Pages

I am currently trying to figure out how the system stores the ASPX files, in my folder I can't seem to search for them. Anyone know how it works and where I can locate them at?

5/27/2010 11:13:53 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Location of ASPX Pages

When you create a new page, no .aspx files are created. All pages in the menu are served from /Default.aspx?pageid=x where x is the page id of the page. But we use url re-writing to have friendly urls. So a record is created in the database that maps /SomePageName.aspx to /Default.aspx?pageid=x

So all content other than uploaded images is stored in the database, though there are of course physical .aspx pages used for administration and editing.

Hope it helps,


5/27/2010 11:42:14 AM
Total Posts 10

Re: Location of ASPX Pages

Another question then, when I move this site from one server to the next, along with the information from the database, do my pages still exist?

5/27/2010 11:54:02 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Location of ASPX Pages

Yes, if you can restore the database and files on a different machine you can move a site and all of its content will still be there. There is a document about it here:


you want to have the same url structure in both locations though as mentioned in the article.

Hope it helps,


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