When using the contact form, my users are getting (Invalid public key. Make sure you copy and pasted it correctly. )

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5/25/2010 7:53:22 AM
Total Posts 165

When using the contact form, my users are getting (Invalid public key. Make sure you copy and pasted it correctly. )

If this is in the forum or the how too's I have missed it.

When a member of the public tries to use the contact form and you hit send it supplies this:

Invalid public key. Make sure you copy and pasted it correctly.






5/25/2010 10:45:25 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: When using the contact form, my users are getting (Invalid public key. Make sure you copy and pasted it correctly. )

Hi Mark,

I guess you are using ReCaptcha and have an incorrect key entered under Administration Menu > Site Settings > Security > Anti Spam. The keys are host name specific so if you originally got a key for test.somedomain.com and later changed to use www.somedomain.com you would need to obtain a new key pair from the ReCaptcha site.

Hope it helps,


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