I have this same problem. I read all the instructions, about copying the skins dir into sites/1/skins, and putting in a space in the web.config file and saving it, and after I did that, the site wouldn't work at all. So I deleted it, thinking that DNS-propagation and instant-alias from my host were screwing up the works. Well, now I've reinstalled it, and I have the exact same problem, even though my nameservers are now resolved and I don't have to use the instant-alias anymore. But when I look at the web.config, I'm not really surprised that re-saving it didn't work -- the thing is basically blank -- the connection string is just default, none of my actual connection info is shown there -- how can that be, when the site is running? Where is it getting the connection info from? Where is the actual db and connection info actually stored?
This is important to me, because I am a TOTAL ASP.NET-noob, connection strings wig me out completely, and I'd really like to see how the site has actually written that info which I entered when I installed the program (using the Microsoft Web App Gallery installer).
Needless to say, I'd also really like to have some kind of theme or template or skin, instead of plain unformatted text.
I've installed MojoPortal v
Version 10.0.2531.0
Product level SP1
Edition Enterprise Edition (64-bit)
Resource version 10.00.2531
Resource last update time Mar 29 2009 12:30PM
CLR version v2.0.50727
Language English (United States)
Platform NT x64
I have no real idea what any of it means. I know the thing is MS server hosting; ASP.NET 2.x, or 3.5; I can't keep straight if it's supposed to be called 2.whatever or 3.5 or what either figure signifies. It's a MS SQL 2008 database.
I sure hope you can help me; from the stuff on this website, I had thought this CMS might be easier for a asp.net-noob to deal with than DNN, but if I can't even get a theme/skin to display, then I guess it really isn't. I posted this in reply to another thread on this same subject, but the thread was from 2008 so I wanted to make sure this got seen by someone. The apparently-usual ways to fix this problem aren't working for me, and I have no idea what to try next.
What's weird is that the skin I choose will appear * in the admin setup portion of the screen, with a border around it * -- but the whole rest of the page is still unformatted text, including the menu at the top, so it appears to be a skinned "div" plopped down into the midst of a plain text web page. I'm utterly stymied.
Because I read of this problem in yet another thread, I will tell you that when I do View Source, the line pertaining to the stylesheet looks like this:
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='http://mojo.crypticsites.net/csshandler.ashx?skin=styleshout-refresh&s=1&v=' />
only, styleshout-refresh isn't the skin I've chosen -- but as I said, if I try re-saving the web.config, it will leave the site completely dead -- tried this already, but the web.config doesn't appear to have any of my actual connection info in it (don't know where it is instead!), so when I re-save that web.config, it's apparently trying to use the default, erroneous info it contains -- instead of the real connection info, which it IS apparently using now, since the site is running -- but again, I don't know where that connection info is really located, since it's not in either web.config or user.config -- both appear in the default, pre-install condition.