Form Wizard Pro - Set size

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5/11/2010 3:17:26 PM
Total Posts 225

Form Wizard Pro - Set size

It would be excellent if in the form Wizard settings you could set the pixel width for the individual form. It would be nice if that setting was applied then to all fields in the form so they stretched and would fit to whatever size you want. That would make the form look solid and uniform.

Very often I want to put a small form in the left or right column, and then someplace else in the main content area (but larger, wider). That's currently impossible to do because the size is set in the stylesheet and there's no way to override per form placement. What size works OK in one place may be too large or too small elsewhere.

Not sure if possible, but it would offer much more flexibility in placing forms.

5/31/2010 7:11:31 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Form Wizard Pro - Set size

Hi Eric,

There will be a new release of Form Wizard Pro along with the coming release of mojoPortal. In the new version of Form Wizard Pro you will be able to add a custom css class in settings that will be added to the container div of the form, this way you can style different forms differently from CSS.



5/31/2010 8:50:38 AM
Total Posts 225

Re: Form Wizard Pro - Set size

Will end users be able to set the form width themselves via the module settings? Not the end of the world if not, as long as I can set it somehow that's great. Thanks!

5/31/2010 9:19:36 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Form Wizard Pro - Set size

No, I don't want to add hard coded styles in settings, but it allows you to style a form different from others via css by using the extra wrapper class to make a more specific css selector.

Like you might have something like this for setting the textbox width

.qtext input { width: 300px; }

but on a specific form you could add a custom class say narrowform, then you could use

.narrowform .qtext input { width:150px; }

this is a more specific selector and it would be best for it to appear lower in the css file than the default style rule.



5/31/2010 3:29:15 PM
Total Posts 225

Re: Form Wizard Pro - Set size

That should work. I'm always thinking of the end user and this wouldn't be an option that would allow them to set the width of the form and fields....

....but it will still be a big help. I can always help clients with a specific form instance formatting as needed.

Thank you!!

6/1/2010 7:31:22 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Form Wizard Pro - Set size

Hi Eric,

I get what you mean about making it a setting users can adjust but once we start down that path of allowing users to put hard coded styles it takes control of the design away from the designer and skinning no longer applies. I'm not ruling it out that I will never do this, but I can say that in other places where I have done this for better reasons, like in the Event Calendar Pro where users can choose colors for each event in calendar view, I still have received feedback from some users who would rather that was all controlled by css.

Actually even without the new custom CSS class coming in the next release of Form Wizard Pro, you could make sure forms in side columns have smaller fields currently like this:

.leftside .qtext input, .rightside .qtext input { width:150px; }

so you could do this today in the current release of Form Wizard Pro.



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