New site almost finished

If you are using mojoPortal, let us know. We've put a lot of work into this project and it would be gratifying to hear from you. If you are using mojoPortal for a public site, post your URL here and show it off.

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5/8/2010 2:50:35 PM
Total Posts 1

New site almost finished

Well firts thing first thank you mojo people from having this product to share with us. Tons of work done.

I had a litle bit of fight to build my firts MojoPortal website and you guys already done it all for me hmmm.

But still it was tough. I had to build a site within two weeks then they would make a decision mine or another developer who already had a similair cms system ready.

But then i run into you're product ;-). The site a build, thanks to you guys,  is a dutch site, they are a non profit organisation to help people within a certain destrict in the Netherlands. With houses for rent, and all the troubles or plessure that comes with it.

For this site i did something not quite good i removed the log engine log4net.dll from the mojoportal.web project it was locking up the site. I also decide to build with the small time i had a news engine almost their i stopped. I was not that much known with the mojo engine that i followed the instruction on the mojo site to use the blog with the news feed to make a news portal or simulate one.

The last day, i had to come up with a site. In development everything works ok. In production not first the right on the folders problem the hosting provider solved that one. Then finally to demonstrate it on the last hour the site hang. Removing the nice error message log4net was the problem removing the dll from the bin and copy it again problem solved. As long if you do not hit a link or button, name it..

I also use artisteer and that was not so mojo portal ready as they do believe but it helps very much in my case.

But at the end mojoPortal did it for me.

It is now almost ready for production

5/10/2010 8:38:58 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: New site almost finished


Congratulations on your new site, it looks great!

I've added it to the mojo Sites list.



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