changing the siteheading text location

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5/3/2010 3:56:03 PM
Total Posts 1

changing the siteheading text location

Hello everyone! I am a first time mojoPortal user and so far it seems to be a great cms, so thank you for your time and effort on this project. With that said, I have been reading all the articles on editing skins and searched all the pages of the "help with skins" forum and cant quite seem to get something.  I am trying to edit the location of site settings > "company name" as it appears on the website. It appears to be using the siteheading css class, but when I edit the style.css file to even just change the color of the text, it is not working.  I have added the caching entries to user.config, edited the web.config file, saved them, cleared my browser cache, but I still do not see the changes. I would like to move the text lower as it appears in the header image.  Am I editing the correct css file? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated...ive been fighting with it for a few hours now. also...I am working in the data/sites/1/skins/ folder.

mojoPortal: MSSQL, viktorpersson-thehobbit-alt1 theme.

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