Entire site from idea to live in less than 12 hours

If you are using mojoPortal, let us know. We've put a lot of work into this project and it would be gratifying to hear from you. If you are using mojoPortal for a public site, post your URL here and show it off.

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5/1/2010 3:57:32 PM
Total Posts 22

Entire site from idea to live in less than 12 hours

Less than 12 hours, most of which were spent wrangling graphics, which are unrelated to MojoPortal directly.

Although this site is simple and does yet not make deep use of the portal features, we needed to update our StrongEye.com web site quickly. MojoPortal delivered! We have also added the blog feature but that will not appear on the site until we have primed it with some articles.

Starting with Artisteer, I designed a graphic template quickly and followed Joe's skinning instructions to make it work with the portal. Had the template complete in short order, took some tweaking of layout.master to get it fully working, but the result is pretty nice in my opinion.

Our goals for this release of the site were modest: 

  • Have a Web presence site that communicates our basic high level program using relevant keywords throughout.
  • Allow for rapid content updates as needed.
  • Establish the basic StrongEye brand.

We don't expect any real traffic or usage of this site right away; the site exists primarily for partners and search engines right now. However having the entire project done in less than 12 hours, including creating the entire UI design, skinning, making custom images, and first draft writing of content, was a boon to our overall schedule.

StrongEye is working on a new set of services that are not yet live, so if the content on the site seems vague, we have done our job for now ;)

MojoPortal rocks!  I came to appreciate MojoPortal on this short fuse project even more than our longer ongoing project. What a great starting point, you can do so much with so little customization.

5/3/2010 11:51:30 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Entire site from idea to live in less than 12 hours

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the success story! Your site looks great!

I've added it to the mojo sites list.



5/3/2010 4:53:32 PM
Total Posts 10

Re: Entire site from idea to live in less than 12 hours

Thank YOU Joe! Thanks also for the listing.

In addition to graphics and composing text, the 12 hour time also included figuring out a few things for the first time. If I were to do an identical project I'm sure it would take even a smaller fraction of the time now that the ramp-up is in my brain's personal cache ;)

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