Issue changing one setting in style-artisteer-overrides.css

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5/1/2010 2:30:17 AM
Total Posts 2

Issue changing one setting in style-artisteer-overrides.css

Hi everybody,


I downloaded a new skin, installed it correctly, only issue I have is that my div for content is to wide. The problem lies in the style: .art-contentLayout .art-content-wide

I can see debugging it that it is because there is a setting for width:982px


I have removed that from my style-artisteer-overrides.css file for that element, but it still stays there everytime the site loads?


Is there some other place it is cached or something? I have stopped the webserver, rebuild the source code and then rerun it, but it still stays there



5/1/2010 6:15:57 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Issue changing one setting in style-artisteer-overrides.css


CSS is cached both on the server and the browser, if you rebuilt or restart web or just touch Web.config, that would clear the server cache but you still need to clear your browser cache.

Hope it helps,


5/1/2010 8:16:52 PM
Total Posts 2

Re: Issue changing one setting in style-artisteer-overrides.css

Thanks a lot, the browser was caching my style...

What effect does the setting in the config file have for caching, if I set them to false?

<add key="CacheCssOnServer" value="false" />
<add key="CacheCssInBrowser" value="false" />


5/3/2010 12:26:36 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Issue changing one setting in style-artisteer-overrides.css


You should only set those to false while you are designing the skin. Once the skin is completed you should enable caching for best performance.

If you are editing a skin on a site that has visitors, you can't clear the cache in the visitor browser, so the best thing to do is whne you complete all changes make a new skin folder with a version like myskin_v2, copy the skin files to the new folder and then set the site to use the new skin name. This way all visitors will get the new design since they have not cached the new skin yet but may have cached an old version of the older skin.

Hope it helps,


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