How to create a News Center with mojoPortal?

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4/30/2010 1:08:56 AM
Total Posts 19

How to create a News Center with mojoPortal?

Hello, I am wondering how to create a News Center using mojoPortal with my own website, anybody here can shed some lights on it, many thanks!


  1. Create a "News Center" menu under root
  2. Create two news catalogues related sub-menu under News Center menu, such as "New Energy News" and "Smart Grid News" submenus.
  3. Under New Energy News page, I will list all news title related to the development of the new energy industry. and under Smart Grid News will list all news title related to the development of the national smart grid.
  4. When visitor clicks these listed news title, a new window will popup to display the detailed information of the news.
  5. Suppose we will input several hundreds of news every day, so I am wondering if we have to create separate page for each news? and if I have to input a page name for it? is there any way we can create thoese pages don't displayed under menu with random page name?

BTW, I noticed that Simple/Link module of mojoPortal has a "Enable Paging" option, but HTML module has not, so how to enable page with HTML module?


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