How do I use my module settings in a login event handler?

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4/29/2010 10:12:29 AM
Total Posts 20

How do I use my module settings in a login event handler?

Does anyone know how I can access the settings for my module inside a site login event handler?

Hopefully someone can help me figure this out before I have to move this setting outside of the settings for the module. I did already try to add a reference to the mojoPortal.Web namespace but that didn't actually resolve my problem.

4/29/2010 10:28:05 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How do I use my module settings in a login event handler?

Hi Desirea,

ModuleSettings are meant for storing feature instance level settings for CMS plugin features. I would not recommend trying to access them from user sign in event handler. There is no context of a cms page or page contained feature instances at the point when a user signs in. I would not recommend doing this.

ModuleSettings can be obtained if you know the moduleid

using mojoPortal.Buxiness;

using System.Collections;

HashTable moduleSettings = ModuleSettings.GetModuleSettings(moduleId);

then you can get individual settings by key from the hashtable but must make sure they exist first.

Hope it helps,


4/29/2010 10:40:13 AM
Total Posts 20

Re: How do I use my module settings in a login event handler?

Thanks Joe

I think I have a way to get the module ID from one of the other tables. But perhaps a better option is to store this setting into a database table instead.

4/29/2010 11:02:59 AM
Total Posts 20

Re: How do I use my module settings in a login event handler?

And I found a way around having to pull that setting.


Thanks again Joe!

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