Blog View Archive

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4/20/2010 3:50:52 AM
Total Posts 22

Blog View Archive

Hi to all,

I have the divRight panel that is displayed in all of my pages, however when I clicked on a blog content,

The right panel disappears. Is it possible to retain everything in my right panel even when I go to the blog's archive?

Any suggestion please. Should I modify my layout.master?


4/20/2010 9:06:03 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Blog View Archive

Hi Tomas,

There is an option in the Blog Settings, "Show Page Right Content in Blog", that will allow the content in the divRight to show up.

Joe D.

4/20/2010 10:24:22 PM
Total Posts 22

Re: Blog View Archive

got it!

Thanks Joe for the quick reply =)

3/15/2012 8:59:39 AM
Total Posts 11

Re: Blog View Archive


I can see there are options for Left and Right content, but no option for Top or Bottom . . . 

is there a work around to get a Footer to display on a Blog archive page ?


3/15/2012 9:12:54 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Blog View Archive


Add these to your user.config file:

<add key="Blog:ShowTopContent" value="true"/>

<add key="Blog:ShowBottomContent" value="true"/>

Most skins don't have top and bottom therefore it is implemented as config settings instead of blog settings.

Hope that helps,


3/16/2012 10:27:21 AM
Total Posts 11

Re: Blog View Archive

Thanks for the quick reply Joe,

Unfortunately your suggestion didn't display the bottom content on the blog feature page, I have right & left no problem.

I guess I'll have to add the footer to the layout.master or do you have any other suggestions ?

many thanks for your time

3/16/2012 11:19:16 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Blog View Archive

What version of mojoPortal are you using?

This was added about 14 months ago.

The page where the blog is would have to have content added to the bottom content section and this setting would make it show that on the blog post detail page.

3/16/2012 11:34:22 AM
Total Posts 11

Re: Blog View Archive

I'm using version of MojoPortal, blog version

The initial blog page displaying the list of blogs displays the footer correctly, just nothing when you view each individual blog.

I have tried using the "ramblingsoul-5contentpanes" just to check my skin wasn't the problem.


3/16/2012 11:42:10 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Blog View Archive

If you edit user.config changes there are not automatically detected so you have to touch Web.config to make it notice the new settings.

Currently it only works on the blog detail page, for the next release I will make it also work on the category and archive pages.

Hope that helps,


3/16/2012 11:57:09 AM
Total Posts 11

Re: Blog View Archive

Thanks for your time Joe, just bought you a beer


3/16/2012 12:04:43 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Blog View Archive

Thanks for the beer Robert! I appreciate it.



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