Blog: Separate Post Author from blogdate

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4/16/2010 12:51:21 PM
Total Posts 2254

Blog: Separate Post Author from blogdate

Hi Joe,

Would it be possible to separate the post author from the blogdate? We can't skin the post author without applying the same style to the blogdate and vice-versa.

Also, could the Post Author be setup as a link to the author's profile or maybe to a view with all posts by that author. :-)

Joe D.

4/17/2010 8:50:25 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Blog: Separate Post Author from blogdate

Hi Joe,

The best solution I could come up with is like this:

<div class="blogdate">
 <span class="blogauthor"><%# FormatPostAuthor(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Name").ToString())%></span>
 <span class="bdate"><%# DateTimeHelper.GetTimeZoneAdjustedDateTimeString(((System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord)Container.DataItem),"StartDate", TimeOffset, BlogDateTimeFormat) %></span>

I could not just move it out of the <div class="blogdate"> because this would break layout in all existing skins by moving the data to a different line than the author name. I could potentially have fixed it in included skins but it would still affect all skins in the wild.



4/17/2010 8:42:41 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Blog: Separate Post Author from blogdate

Hi Joe,

That will do the trick. I just need a way to style the blog author differently than the blogdate.

Joe D.

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