Wrap Blog Entries in DIV

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4/7/2010 3:36:41 PM
Total Posts 2254

Wrap Blog Entries in DIV

Hi Joe,

When viewing a page with the blog feature, the blog entries aren't wrapped individually. The content of the entries has a wrapping div but the title and date are outside of this wrapper so all Titles and entries are on the same level. Can you wrap the entry content, title and date in one div for each post?

This would make skinning easier.


4/8/2010 9:37:44 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Wrap Blog Entries in DIV

Hi Joe,

I will add a div around it with a class="blogitem"



4/8/2010 9:49:44 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Wrap Blog Entries in DIV

Thanks Joe!

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