Redirect After New User Registration?

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12/24/2012 2:27:21 AM
Total Posts 159

Re: Redirect After New User Registration?

please heeeeeeeeelllllllllppppppp me . i need to resolve this problem

12/26/2012 5:58:35 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Redirect After New User Registration?

I'm not able to reproduce the problem. I've told you all the things I know that can cause that problem.

Do you have anything in this setting?:

<add key="PageToRedirectToAfterRegistration" value="" /> 

What version does it say when you go to Administration > System Information?

12/26/2012 12:22:40 PM
Total Posts 159

Re: Redirect After New User Registration?

hello joe,

the version I have installed is: MSSQL

I tried to do anything but press the button still take me back to a duplicate folder: as follows: .....

beyond that now presents itself to me a further problem with the feed manager:

to click on a title of a post take me back to a page that does not exist.

please help me because it is a real disaster

if you want to contact me in pvt to provide you with the login of my website so that it can accommodate


12/26/2012 12:27:42 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Redirect After New User Registration?

make sure this setting is false, make usre it is not true anywhere in user.config or web.config

<add key="UseFoldersInsteadOfHostnamesForMultipleSites" value="false" />

You did not answer one of my questions:

Do you have anything in this setting?:

<add key="PageToRedirectToAfterRegistration" value="" /> 

12/26/2012 1:05:00 PM
Total Posts 159

Re: Redirect After New User Registration?

I did several tests joe, when I have nothing on the settings you ask me.

I circumvented the problem by creating a folder with a redirect to the home page. now I have another problem with the feed manager. mojoportal manage with a community and I have a feed on the home page manager for the blog and the forum. the link to the blog work but not to the forum, reporting an error as follows:

Server Error in '/' Application.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

The resource can not be found.
   Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review The following URL and make sure it is spelled That Correctly.

  Requested URL: / Forums / Thread.aspx

I need your help joe, if you can write me privately I will send you my website. config and user. config

12/26/2012 1:19:18 PM
Total Posts 159

Re: Redirect After New User Registration?

manager in the feed links to the forum does not work because the link to the post does not take into account the subfolder where is the site:

here is the link to a post: ~ -1

However, the site resides in a subdirectory

12/26/2012 1:35:43 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Redirect After New User Registration?

I cannot produce the problem with redirecting after registration, possibly that is caused by some IIS url rewriting rules or redirection configured outside of mojoPortal.

However, I am able to replicate the problem with the forum feed when installed in a sub folder. The only thing I can do for that is fix it for the next release.

Why don't you just install it into the root of the web site since you are redirecting the root to this folder?


12/26/2012 1:42:21 PM
Total Posts 159

Re: Redirect After New User Registration?

I can not install it in the root joe ..

with the previous edition of mojo everything worked regularly .. please help me .. joe

as regards the blog works, while for the forum no

if you want I can give you the credentials to access

12/26/2012 1:44:22 PM
Total Posts 159

Re: Redirect After New User Registration?

email me privately so as to give joe administrative credentials, and see if we can solve

12/26/2012 1:47:40 PM
Total Posts 159

Re: Redirect After New User Registration?

is there a way to install a version of FEED MANAGER WORKING? I need it joe

12/26/2012 2:04:30 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Redirect After New User Registration?

Feed Manager is not broken, the feed generated by the forums is not resolving the url correctly. I can only fix the forum feed in the next release.

I do not have an immediate fix for that problem and credentials to your site will not enable me to solve it.

My advice is make a backup before you upgrade so can restore the previous version if something goes wrong. I am not personally responsible for your site.

The best I can do is fix the problem with the forum feed and make a new package available to you asap, possibly as soon as tomorrow.

I really don't understand why you cannot install it in the root of the IIS site, it makes no sense to me why you have it installed in a sub folder named website3. If you had another site running in the root it would make sense but since you don't and are just redirecting to the sub folder it makes no sense.


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