Custom layout.Master not found when moving to another server

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4/4/2010 8:08:01 AM
Total Posts 8

Custom layout.Master not found when moving to another server

I have a mojoPortal site running on Windows server 2008. MS SQLServer Express 2005, medium trust.

I added my own skin folder called vastvoedsel. In this custom skin I changed the layout.Master file, and some .css files. I recently updated the site to version b (MS SqlServer depoyment files).

Now I am trying to move this site to another server, also with Windows server 2008. On this server the site is running in Full trust. But the main difference is that the database is now MS SQLServer Express 2008 (instead of 2005). I restored the 2005 backup file to a new 2008 database.

I followed the explanation on as much as possbile. The only detail that I could not execute lies in the fact that there is no Data/systemfiles\ folder (only a Data/Sites/1/systemfiles).
Both in the old and in the new situation the site is installed in a subdomain (

I have two strange problems:

1. As long as the skin is set to my custom vastvoedsel skin folder it looks as if the custom .css files are working, but that the custom layout.Master file is ignored. I am sure that the layout.Master file contains no errors because on the original server it works fine.
The standard mojoPortal skin folders seem to work fine. When I switch back to my custom vastvoedsel skin, the Master page is ignored again.
The logfile (Data/currentlog.config) shows no errors.

2. Initially when I first started the site on the new server it displayed only the Home page (with the custom vastvoedsel skin and with any other standard skin). As soon as I add a new page, suddenly the other existing pages popup!

I am moving a whole bunch of mojoPortal sites from one server to a new server. Up till now they all give exactly the same problems. In one case the custom layout.Master page was suddenly found when I redid the whole installation.

Can this problem be caused by the migration from MS SQLServer Express 2005 to 2008??

Does anyone have a solution?



4/5/2010 8:09:37 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Custom layout.Master not found when moving to another server

Hi Johan,

If it fails to load your master page it will log an error and fall back to /App_MasterPages/layout.master

If you aren't seeing anything in the log most likely it cannot write to the log file. I would delete the currentlog.config file, if permissions are correct it will come back automatically, if it does not, then permissions are not correct on /Data folder.

Errors may not be logged instantly when they happen, log4net can buffer them in memory and flush them to the log file in batches.

It could be a file permission issue on your layout.master, if it cannot read the file it will not be able to use it

/Data/systemfiles is only used by some features, specifically the Folder Gallery stores its generated web size and thumbnails there.

Problem 2 sounds like it had cached an empty site map and when you added a page it touched the dependency file and cleared the cache and this time it was able to load the sitemap correctly.

I don't see any reason to believe that a change in db platform from SQL 2005 to SQL 2008 has any relation to the problems you describe.

Hope it helps,


4/6/2010 1:50:42 PM
Total Posts 8

Re: Custom layout.Master not found when moving to another server

Hi Joe,

If I delete the logfile, it is recrated. It does not contain any error messages.

The custom layout.Master file has full rights for Network Service (which is as identity of the AppPool).

The problem can not be the code in the layout.Master, because it works fine on the old server. And I am having this same problem with all my migrated mojoPortal sites.



4/7/2010 10:16:28 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Custom layout.Master not found when moving to another server

Ho Johan,

If it logs no error then it means it must be using your layout.master

If you have upgraded over time from a long time ago, perhaps your skin is not configured correctly with the changes needed over time.

Make sure your layout.master has:

<portal:StyleSheetCombiner id="StyleSheetCombiner" runat="server" UseIconsForAdminLinks="false" />

and not the older <portal:StyleSheet ...

and make sure you are using a style.config file like other skins are

and make sure your layout.master has

<portal:ScriptLoader id="ScriptLoader1" runat="server" />

and see notes about skin changes over time.

Hope it helps,


4/15/2010 4:33:28 PM
Total Posts 8

Re: Custom layout.Master not found when moving to another server

Hi Joe,

The changes in skinning rules is part of my problem.

In the case of one site, changing the styling according to the new rules has solved the custom skinning completely.

But in the the case of another site I am trying to move and update the behaviour is extremely strange. In this case I did a completely new installation (the most recent MSSQl version).

I am working with a completely new ms sql database and the auto-created Home page.

Then I created a new folder: Sites\1\Skins\Test skin.

Next I copy all files of some standard skin that came with the installation (for example styleshout-techmania) into the new Test skin folder. When I switch the skin site settings to this new folder, the layout is completely lost, just as in my original problem.

If I swith the skin settings to the original Styleshout-techmania folder, the layout works fine..

The security settings on the new Test skin folder are exactly the same as the settings on all other skin folders.

What on earth can be causing this strange behaviour????? It is as if I am not allowed to add a new skin folder.

Johan Stringer

4/15/2010 4:45:18 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Custom layout.Master not found when moving to another server

Hi Johan,

Are you using spaces in the skin folder name? If so don't.

Hope it helps,


4/17/2010 3:02:35 AM
Total Posts 8

Re: Custom layout.Master not found when moving to another server

Hi Joe,

Great! This is what has been bothering me, together with the changes in styling elements you mentioned earlier. It explains why the moving and updating of some sites worked and others just refsed to work.

Woulden't there be a simple way to at least check and warn in the logging for spaces in the skin folder name and the occurence of out-dated styling elements in the layout.Master?

These issues have cost me an incredible amount of hours. I can imagine that many other mojoPortal webmasters will encounter the same puzzles when they start updating the version of older sites. This kind of upgrade problems does not help in making an environment popular.

4/17/2010 6:32:27 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Custom layout.Master not found when moving to another server

Hi Johan, says:

When naming skin folders do not use any spaces or special character in the name. In general I don't recommend using spaces in the names of any of the css files or images either.

Most webmasters already know there can be issues with urls when there are spaces in file and folder names these have to be escaped in the url with escape sequences which makes the url both ugly and harder to deal with.

The above is not an upgrade issue at all, spaces in skin folders have never been supported in mojoPortal.

I do the best I can to provide information in the release notes of each release about changes and I provided you help when you asked questions.

You could have saved yourself some time if you read the documentation carefully and by asking questions sooner. You have already told me that web hosting/infrastructure is a new domain of knowledge for you and you recently setup your own web server with some struggles. It is only natural that people spend some time thrashing when they are working in knowledge domains that are new to them, I have certainly spent many hours thrashing in my career, that is how you learn. I don't think you should be blaming mojoPortal for the hours you spent and you should not expect that every possible thing you may struggle with could be anticipated and prevented. 



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