Expose DynamicDisplayLevels attribute to the SiteMenu Class

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3/18/2010 1:55:23 PM
Total Posts 2247

Expose DynamicDisplayLevels attribute to the SiteMenu Class

Hi Joe,

Can you add the DynamicDisplayLevels property to the SiteMenu Class? I just answered a post for someone requesting to be able to only show menu items that are in the 1st and 2nd levels of the menu in a dropdown. I showed them how to hide the extra items using CSS but I think it would be cleaner to not have them show up at all in the first place. In case you want to see the post: http://www.mojoportal.com/Forums/Thread.aspx?thread=5109&mid=34&pageid=5&ItemID=4&pagenumber=1.

Joe D.

3/20/2010 1:58:57 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Expose DynamicDisplayLevels attribute to the SiteMenu Class

I have exposed this property, it will be available in the next release.



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