ModuleWrapper not working

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3/4/2010 4:25:23 PM
Total Posts 190

ModuleWrapper not working

Hi All,

Anyone know why <portal:ModuleWrapper ID="m32" runat="server" ConfigureModuleID="32" /> wouldn't be working? I know it was working a week or two ago, but I got back to work on this page using the ModuleWrapper and it doesn't seem to want to show up. No errors or anything. If I view source on the rendered page there is just nothing there. (ModuleID is correct and exists.)



3/4/2010 4:39:49 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: ModuleWrapper not working

Hi John,

You aren't looking for the Module to show up on an admin page are you? If so, mojoPortal has changed this functionality so that the ModuleWrapper control only works on CMS pages, not admin pages.

Joe D.

3/4/2010 7:49:27 PM
Total Posts 190

Re: ModuleWrapper not working

Actually, it's on a custom page (inherits mojo base page) that I'm using for something else, not admin related. There's a custom module that is displayed on many pages of my site and I had it included on a couple of custom pages as well. Is this functionality available by some other method?

3/5/2010 7:05:47 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: ModuleWrapper not working

If you study the control you will see there is not much to it so you could easily create your own version and change the logic as you see fit. Just create your own user control and copy the logic from Web/Controls/ModuleWrapper.ascx.cs and adjust it as needed.

The change I made recently was in adding this line of code so it will only render on CMS pages

// don't render on admin or edit pages
  if(!(this.Page is CmsPage)) { this.Visible = false; return; }

CmsPage is the class behind Default.aspx which is the page that serves all CMS pages but not admin or edit pages.

Hope it helps,


3/5/2010 8:05:07 AM
Total Posts 190

Re: ModuleWrapper not working

Sounds easy enough. Thanks for the tip. Just out of curiosity, why the limitation? It seemed like a handy feature.

3/5/2010 2:55:10 PM
Total Posts 190

Re: ModuleWrapper not working

Yes indeed, it was very easy!

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