Artisteer Support is HUGE - Thank you

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2/22/2010 1:43:32 PM
Total Posts 245
mojoPortal Community Expert

Artisteer Support is HUGE - Thank you

Artisteer... Support for Artisteer templates!!!!!!
This is HUGE!!!!
I love Artisteer!!!!!!!!!!!! This is HUGE!!!!
Thanks Joe. Did I say "This is HUGE!!!!" Beer is on the way buddy!

2/22/2010 4:04:59 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Artisteer Support is HUGE - Thank you

Thanks Rick!

I agree! I'm really tickled with it myself. Artisteer is an awesome tool! Funny though, a guy like me can still make an ugly skin even with Artisteer ;-D, but there is a ray of hope I might get to make a nice one now and then.



2/22/2010 9:58:35 PM
Total Posts 101

Re: Artisteer Support is HUGE - Thank you

Thanks Joe.. Much appreciated.

Any chance of adding the Vertical Menu support ? (available in the 2.4beta series of Artisteer).


So far all the themes tested work GREAT.




2/23/2010 6:07:27 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Artisteer Support is HUGE - Thank you

I will wait until it comes out of beta and then I will get right on it.

Very glad to hear it is working as well as I hoped!



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