portal:pagemenu and StartingNodeURL

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2/22/2010 9:41:49 AM
Total Posts 2247

portal:pagemenu and StartingNodeURL


I am trying to create a menu that is based on the sitemap of particular page. I would like to use the StartingNodeURL setting that is available with the asp:SiteMapDataSource control but it doesn't seem to be working with the portal:pagemenu control. It works as it should with the asp:menu control but that control doesn't render the CSSFriendly markup.

Is it not possible to use the StartingNodeURL setting on SiteMapDataSource along with the portal:pagemenu control?

I really don't think this needs to be a custom module as the menu logic already exists in mojoPortal.

Thank you for any guidance you can provide.
Joe D.

3/4/2010 1:07:43 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: portal:pagemenu and StartingNodeURL


Just wanted to bump this post because it is something that is driving me up a wall.

Joe D.

3/4/2010 1:25:35 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: portal:pagemenu and StartingNodeURL

Hi Joe,

PageMenu is not an alternative to ASP.NET menu, it is a UserControl that dynamically loads a menu control based on some settings but does not map all setting to the internal menu it loads.

We do have a control, <portal:mojoMenu that is nothing but an <asp:Menu configured to use the Css Adapters, that is one of the menu types we use internally to PageMenu. If asp:Menu does what you want then you should be able to do the same thing with <portal:mojoMenu but with the Css adapters.

Hope it helps,


3/4/2010 2:35:23 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: portal:pagemenu and StartingNodeURL

Hi Joe,

Thanks for the help. The portal:mojoMenu control is perfect! I looked around for something like that using the API docs but didn't find it until you gave me the name of it. :-)

It is working exactly like I need it to. Thanks again!

-Joe D.

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