Customizing the email template event calendar pro

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2/16/2010 3:12:52 PM
Total Posts 75

Customizing the email template event calendar pro

Joa A

I am looking to edit the template that is sent after registration\purchase of an event ticket

I would like to remove certain references in the template due to the nature of our events

I didn't see anything in the videos on this

Nor was I able to find any documentation of this process

Can I accomplish this?

Thanks for any assistance


FYI my disappearing post problem happened again here

2/16/2010 3:51:14 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Customizing the email template event calendar pro

Hello Al,

You need to edit the en-US-Registration*.config files located in \data\messagetemplates.

Joe D.

2/16/2010 4:12:11 PM
Total Posts 75

Re: Customizing the email template event calendar pro

Joe D

Thanks for the quick response

Between you and Joe A you are wonderful support resources :)

8/3/2010 12:46:52 PM
Total Posts 40

Re: Customizing the email template event calendar pro

I can't remember if I've asked this question before (and if so, my apologies), but I was wondering if it might be possible to remove some of the text from the "Your Order" e-mail that goes out when someone registers for an event. 

Obviously this is somewhat minor, but in my scenario (at a university), we don't really want e-commerce verbiage in e-mails.  So, for example, it'd be nice to change "Your Order" in the subject line to "Your Registration" and also change the word "orders" and "customer" in the body of the message.  I didn't see how such changes could be accomplished in the en-US-Registration*.config files.

Again, it's something we currently just deal with, but might be handy to have control over in the future.

Thanks for all your excellent work on mojo!

8/9/2010 11:20:21 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Customizing the email template event calendar pro

Hi Shaun,

It is currently possible just not documented as it should be.

The templates live under /Data/MessageTemplates

and you can specify it to use custom templates from config settings

<add key="EventCalProCustomConfirmationSubjectTemplate" value="CustomEventCalProCustomConfirmationSubjectTemplate.config" />
<add key="EventCalProCustomConfirmationBodyTemplate" value="CustomEventCalProCustomConfirmationBodyTemplate.config" />
<add key="EventCalProCustomAnonymousConfirmationBodyTemplate" value="CustomEventCalProCustomAnonymousConfirmationBodyTemplate.config" />

this would require you to create the files on disk on the MessageTemplates folder, the actual files need a prefix like en-US-CustomEventCalProCustomConfirmationSubjectTemplate.config

you would want to base them on the default files






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