Ratings not working on mojoPortal.com

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2/9/2010 1:07:12 PM
Total Posts 2249

Ratings not working on mojoPortal.com

Hi Joe,

I tried to rate the recent blog posts about FormWizard and but when I click on the stars they just turn red and the rating is never recorded. I have tried this with IE 8 and FF, logged-in and logged-out.

-Joe D.

2/15/2010 1:27:00 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Ratings not working on mojoPortal.com

Hey Joe,

I've been looking into this and it seems that since we added ajax paging inside an UpdatePanel in the blog, it introduced this bug. If you click the link to the blog detail page the rating works better there because it is not in an UpdatePanel.

This seems to be a bug or limitation in the Ajax Control Toolkit Rating control, it is going to be challenging to fix it but I am working on it.



2/17/2010 4:36:43 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Ratings not working on mojoPortal.com

Hey Joe,

I came up with a solution to solve this. The only limitation is I can't seem to get it to work except on the first page of blog posts inside the update panel, once you change the page it doesn't work but is hidden. It also can't use the comments feature in the paged updatepanel but it can in the blog detail view. At any rate while it is not perfect it is much improved, or at least I think it is. Try it out on this site. Note that if you are authenticated your vote counts only 1 time, we just update your existing rating for a given content item, but if anonymous you can vote very 5 minutes from a given ip address. There is no change on this just clarifying how it works.



3/19/2010 2:51:52 AM
Total Posts 1

Re: Ratings not working on mojoPortal.com

How to implement Page Ratings in Mojo portal

guide me....

3/19/2010 9:16:18 AM
Total Posts 2249

Re: Ratings not working on mojoPortal.com


mojoPortal doesn't currently have Page Ratings available. You can enable ratings on instances of some features such as HTML Content and Blogs. To enable ratings, click on the Settings link for the content instance you want ratings on and then check the box "Enable Content Ratings".

Joe D.

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