URGENT.....need help moving mojoportal from local machine to have it hosted on web server (intranet)

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2/3/2010 9:33:22 AM
Total Posts 17

URGENT.....need help moving mojoportal from local machine to have it hosted on web server (intranet)

Good morning Guys, 

I have been browsing through the provided documentation as well as through various topics in the forums. I am experiencing several challenges when trying to copy my files from my vista working environment over to a windows server 2003 env for hosting as an intranet. 

Is there any documentation or steps available to assist in carrying out this procedure?

2/3/2010 10:11:27 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: URGENT.....need help moving mojoportal from local machine to have it hosted on web server (intranet)

This should be as simple as copying the contents of your web directory to your server and then backing up your database and restoring it on the server.

What problems are you encountering?

Joe D.

2/3/2010 10:50:06 AM
Total Posts 17

Re: URGENT.....need help moving mojoportal from local machine to have it hosted on web server (intranet)

Thanks for your repsonse Joe.

The database has been restored successfully on the server.

The main problems i am experiencing are

  • When I build the project on the server, the items dont look the same (minor issue).
  • When I close visual studio and reopen it. Upon trying to open the project, it brings up a conversion wizard (saying that I did it on a older version of VStudio). This conversion fails and I am unable to open the project
  • When the project is open on first run, when I attempt to log onto the portal ...i get a System.IndexOutOfRangeException Password Exception and its respective stack trace.

I am using Windows Server 2003 with .Net 3 SP1/SQL Server 2005/VStudio 2005

Any help is appreciated.


I will continue troubleshooting, maybe the use of Visual Studio is causing my bottleneck, thanks for your assistance .

2/3/2010 10:58:24 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: URGENT.....need help moving mojoportal from local machine to have it hosted on web server (intranet)


I would definitely not use Visual Studio to compile the project(s) on the server. The best method for this would be to install mojoPortal (using release package not source code) on the server and make sure it is working properly (you should be able to point it to your current database). After verifying that mojo works with a clean build, I would install my custom modules using the guidance found here: http://www.mojoportal.com/using-the-installation-system.aspx.

Joe D.

2/4/2010 9:30:22 AM
Total Posts 17

Re: URGENT.....need help moving mojoportal from local machine to have it hosted on web server (intranet)


I have done it using the method you have mentioned. The website comes up fine, however,  when i attempt to log on to the portal I am being directed to the following error page. Your assistance is appreciated.


Server Error in '/mojoportal' Application.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Password


Andrew S.C Ellis

3/4/2010 11:13:02 AM
Total Posts 17

Re: URGENT.....need help moving mojoportal from local machine to have it hosted on web server (intranet)

Hi Joe,

After moving the files to the server and reconfiguring the database. The webpage loads up....all the pages are present....however, none of the content that i configured on my local machine was copied over. Please advise.

3/4/2010 11:50:34 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: URGENT.....need help moving mojoportal from local machine to have it hosted on web server (intranet)

Hi Andrew,

You mentioned reconfiguring the database. Did you use a new database or did you use a restored version of the database you were using for development. If you used a new database, your content will not be present and you will have to restore a backup of your dev database to your production db server and then point the production mojoPortal installation to the restored database.

Joe D.

3/4/2010 11:55:41 AM
Total Posts 17

Re: URGENT.....need help moving mojoportal from local machine to have it hosted on web server (intranet)

Hey Joe,

I'm actually referring to a databased that was restored from my test environment. (Not a new DB). I'm still working towards a resolution, your feedback is appreciated.

3/4/2010 12:02:10 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: URGENT.....need help moving mojoportal from local machine to have it hosted on web server (intranet)

Hi Andrew,

Is your mojoPortal development environment installed in a virutal directory (for instance: http://mymachine/mojo)? If so, you will run into all sorts of issues and because mojoPortal builds the URLs for links, images and so forth using everything after the domain of the site, so in my example all of your links will be "/mojo/somelink.aspx".

If you are comfortable with SQL, you can make your way through the database and change any occurrence of /mojo/ to just /. I have done this in the past but I don't have my notes on which fields I had to change. My notes wouldn't be relevant anyway because it was so long ago and a lot has changed.

Joe D.

3/4/2010 12:24:40 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: URGENT.....need help moving mojoportal from local machine to have it hosted on web server (intranet)

fyi, I just created this article since questions come up frequently about moving sites.


Hope it helps,


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