Remove h1 and h2 tags on rendered page

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2/3/2010 6:05:28 AM
Total Posts 8

Remove h1 and h2 tags on rendered page


Forgive me if this has been posted before, however, it is very difficult to search through all the topics without a search function!

Ok, I need to remove the h1 tag from the Site Title tag and h2 tag from the Page Name tag from the rendered page.
However, in my markup there isn't anywhere where I can remove the h1 tags, as this is all I have...

"<portal:SiteTitle id="SiteTitle1" runat="server" UseLink="false"></portal:SiteTitle>"

When the page renders I see this, "<h1 class='siteheading'>Title of Site</h1>" - I need to remove the "h1" as I'd like to put this tag elsewhere, if I can! Likewise with the h2 tag on Page Name.

Please can anyone help?

Many thanks
Rick Lynch


2/3/2010 2:33:29 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Remove h1 and h2 tags on rendered page


SiteTitle is a convenience control, if you don't like the markup it renders you can remove it and put actual html markup in its place.

There are no h2 tags at the page title level, they are actually at the content instance title level, coming from the html content feature or any other feature you put on a page. If you click the settings link next to the title of any content instance you can on the General tab uncheck show title and it will leave out the title completely allowing you to put it in the html content yourself as you like.

Also in the latest release (released today) you can override that h2 and use another tag if you want, just paste this into your user.config file

<add key="ModuleTitleTag" value="h2" />

and change the tag to what you want to use.

Hope it helps,


2/6/2010 9:56:53 PM
Total Posts 225

Re: Remove h1 and h2 tags on rendered page

oh, this is great. For SEO purposes it hasn't been perfect that pages didn't have the H1 tag as the page title (basically module title). Most of us probably don't keep the H1 text based site name in the header.

I'll have to experiment with this and see if I can get module titles to be H1 tags, that would be ideal (I think).

2/8/2010 12:35:55 PM
Total Posts 190

Re: Remove h1 and h2 tags on rendered page

...without a search function?? I went to the search page (link up top there next to Site Map) and selected forums in the drop down, typed in "H1 Title" and this post was first in the list.

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