Deleting Child Sites Feature (deletes some data on other sites)

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1/24/2010 1:03:29 PM
Total Posts 29

Deleting Child Sites Feature (deletes some data on other sites)


Hope you are having a good month.  I was doing some site/database clean-up today and noticed something funny.  I enabled the AllowDeleteChildSites key in the web.config so I could delete some child sites that I used as "test" sites.

I deleted a couple child sites successfully using the delete button on the admin interface.  Everything went smoothly.  However, when I started browsing my remaining production sites, I noticed that all of their products, offers, etc from their web stores were all gone.  I didn't check all of other possible site features but all the standard HTML web pages and content on the remaining sites were still there.  Only items from the web stores on my remaining sites were deleted.

It seems there might be a cascading delete effect going on here that is not SiteID restrictive.  I made a SQL backup before I did this so I restored my DB no problem.  But I would like to clean-up my test data by deleting some child sites without it affecting my other production sites.  I looked at the SP: [mp_Sites_Delete] assuming this is the proc that runs to delete a child site but it doesn't appear to delete anything from web store (ws_) tables.

Let me know if you have seen this before. MSSQL



1/24/2010 1:36:17 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Deleting Child Sites Feature (deletes some data on other sites)


The stored procedure is ws_Store_DeleteBySite, in looking at it I don't see how it could delete the data for the wrong site.

Maybe you can trace it and see what site id is being passed in.

Hope it helps,


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