Navigation - showing only subpages, but not sibling pages?

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1/22/2010 10:37:12 AM
Total Posts 5

Navigation - showing only subpages, but not sibling pages?

Hello all!

The school district I work for is planning on switching our website over to Mojoportal because it is very simple to use yet powerful. I'm working on designing the template for the site. One thing I noticed though is that with almost every skin, when you open up subpages, it just kinda exapands the sub-pages into place, continuing to show all of the parent page's siblings, and then all of the parent page's parent page's siblings, and so on. For example, if I went to schools> high school> guidance, it would look like this:

- High School
- - Administration
- - Athletics
- - Clubs
- - Guidance
- - - Meet the staff
- - - Graduation Requirements
- - - Appointment Request
- - - Course schedules
- - Music
- - Help Desk
- Middle Schoool
- North Elementary
- South Elementary
- East Elementary
- West Elementary

However, we're noticing that the navigation menu is getting cluttered pretty quickly, so we were wonding if it would be possible to only show the child pages of the page the user currently is on. Such as:

- High School
- - Guidance
- - - Meet the staff
- - - Graduation Requirements
- - - Appointment Request
- - - Course schedules

We believe that would be a little more organized, as there aren't 20-30 links on the navigation menu. I was wondering if doing such a thing was possible, and if so, could someone point me in the right direction to setting this up?


1/25/2010 10:29:53 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Navigation - showing only subpages, but not sibling pages?

There are different ways of structuring menus illustrated in various skins, like you see on this site we have 2 levels of horizontal menus and then anything deeper is shown in a vertical sub menu. A similar menu structure is illustrated in the andreasvicklund02 skin.

Probably what you are trying to do could be done with javascript in a vertical menu but it would be easier if you had a horizontal menu with High School, Middle School etc, then a vertical sub menu below would naturally only show children of the current page.

If a menu contains multiple pages at the same depth it naturally wants to show them all so probably a javascript solution would be required to hide the other pages at the same depth as the current page.

Hope it helps,


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