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9/29/2006 11:59:48 PM
Total Posts 68


On some hosting companies, you can use a pre-installed SSL-cert, ie if your domain is: "" your can use a SSL-cert like this: "". Is it possible to use mojoportal (with SSL) on an environment lika this?

9/30/2006 1:48:03 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: SSL-cert

Hi Christian,

Are you saying there would be a different domain for secure vs non-secure pages?

I guess the answer is I don't know as I'm not familiar with that kind of ssl arrangement. I would think being authenticated against is not the same as being authenticated against and would result in different cookies and I wouldn't think that would work but not for any reason specific to mojoPortal. If the whole site is at, then yes I think it should work.

If you try it let me know.



9/30/2006 2:13:53 AM
Total Posts 68

Re: SSL-cert

Yes, some hosts provide SSL-cert for all customers/sites ready to use, and to use it you use a different address, but points to the same path.

I have used cs-cart (, which have many nice features by the way) to set up an web-shop a while ago, and to install you were given the option to enter a secure-url, (if you didnt it used the usual ""), but the option were there. The host i installed it on was using different urls for non-secure and secure. Maybe this can be a solution if it doesnt work now?

I think I will test this if I have the time, ill let you know if it worked.

Best Regards,

9/30/2006 2:26:52 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: SSL-cert

It might work for a shopping cart but you would authenticate for purposes of checkout and that would be different than authenticating for the main site. I once had something like this at Cafe Press where I integrated a Rainbow portal site with Cafe Press shop but logging into the site is not the same as logging into the store. I think it is the same with PayPal, you have to re-authenticate against a PayPal domain because auhtentication is not shared accross domains. I still say you could not login to and then still be authenticated when you go to If that were possible the internet would be very insecure indeed.

A shopping cart integrated into the same domain would share the same authentication but not a different domain.

9/30/2006 2:31:41 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: SSL-cert

Or with some shopping carts you may not need to authenticate at all, it just uses ssl to secure all transmissions and for each order you would have to enter all the information needed. Something like this would not support coming back later to check on order status though, for that you would need some authentication method.

So there is a difference between securing a login page for a site which establishes authentication vs just securing data transmission accross the wire. Authentication must happen in the same domain.

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