IE8 Developer Toolbar CSS tracking

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1/14/2010 12:56:04 AM
Total Posts 12

IE8 Developer Toolbar CSS tracking

Hello, dear All!


IE 8 Developer Toolbar doesn't trace CSS for any of MojoPortal web sites.


I thought it is so only for me locally, but today noticed it is same for sites listed in "Sites Running on mojoPortal".


It tracks inline styling (if you provide any) but for CSS it just shows nothing. 


Don't you know what's the matter ?


Kind regards, 


1/15/2010 4:16:39 AM
Total Posts 12

Re: IE8 Developer Toolbar CSS tracking

May that be cause by the way how IESpecific.css and IE7Specific.css  override regular css files ?

1/15/2010 8:55:14 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: IE8 Developer Toolbar CSS tracking

It seems like a bug in the IE 8 Developer Tools. There is something it does not like about the jQuery UI CSS loaded from the google CDN.

When I disable jQueryUI like this: <add key="DisablejQueryUI" value="true" />, then it works and I can see the CSS in the developer tools.

I thought maybe it just does not like loading the CSS from a different domain, but that does not seem to be the problem. If I use a page with a Twitter widget on it it includes an external CSS file from Twitter and it works fine. So it seems something specific about the CSS for jQueryUI that it does not like.

I generally use Firebug plugin in Firefox.



1/15/2010 11:40:17 AM
Total Posts 12

Re: IE8 Developer Toolbar CSS tracking

many thanks for your research, Joe!


I've created a question on MS forums and will post your results there with your permission. 


1/15/2010 2:44:53 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: IE8 Developer Toolbar CSS tracking


Sure, of course would like to know the result if you get any help from MS to solve this.



2/23/2010 4:37:24 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: IE8 Developer Toolbar CSS tracking


I just noticed that this issue seems to be resolved. I have tested it against mojoPortal and and all is well. My current IE version is 8.0.7600.16385.

Joe D.

2/24/2010 6:58:11 PM
Total Posts 12

Re: IE8 Developer Toolbar CSS tracking

I've got 8.0.6001.18702 while I've just downloaded latest from MS site. (my guess 6 is because of XP ?)


Still not working for me.


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