The skin savaard2 in the mojoPortal 2.1.3 Release

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9/28/2006 12:29:10 PM
Total Posts 15

The skin savaard2 in the mojoPortal 2.1.3 Release

Is the skin savaard2 containing google ads in the mojoPortal 2.1.3 Release?
9/28/2006 12:33:43 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: The skin savaard2 in the mojoPortal 2.1.3 Release

Yikes! It appears to be though I meant to leave that out, its the skin for this site with my google ads account. The one I meant to include is savard1, savaard1 is my custom modifications for this site. The correct one is there but savaard1 was not meant to be included.

I don't guess it will hurt anything.

Thanks for pointing it out,

9/28/2006 4:06:37 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: The skin savaard2 in the mojoPortal 2.1.3 Release

I removed the ones with google ads and made a new download file for ms sql. That seems to be the only one that had my custom skins.

Thanks Again,


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