Selling MP3s for download using Paypal Standard (charges for shipping)

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12/23/2009 9:16:58 PM
Total Posts 29

Selling MP3s for download using Paypal Standard (charges for shipping)


I have successfully setup a mojoportal store to sell my old band's CD.  I'm currently offering 2 products... a "Shippable" version and a "Download Now" version which is a .Zip file containing mp3s of the full CD.

I ran through a real purchase of both.  Payments were received and worked successfully for both versions.  However the downloadble version still wants to charge me for shipping when I purchase (since I setup shipping cost @$2.00 for a quantity of 1 item).  I suppose this is a function of the way I have my Paypal shipping preferences setup but I can't figure out how to change this for "downloadable" types of products.  I assumed that mojoportal sends the items in the cart to paypal with a "type" id associated with it so Paypal knows the downloadble items are not for shipment.

Here is a snap shot of some of my shipping preferences:

Display Ship Button:

Select the type(s) of transactions for which you want the Ship button to appear in your History and Transaction Details pages. Click Save to update your preferences.

eBay Items and Auction Goods (non-eBay) (checked)
Goods - Non-Auction (checked)
Cash Advance

My store is located here:

Any help on this is appreciated!



12/24/2009 6:22:57 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Selling MP3s for download using Paypal Standard (charges for shipping)

Hi Mike,

Sorry but shipped product scenarios have not yet been addressed in the WebStore feature, hopefully that will be completed sometime in 2010.

I do not see anything in the documentation about a "type" parameter that can be passed to paypal. In any case even if there was a param to pass both downloads and shipped items would fall under "Goods". So if you have set shipping globally for Goods in your PayPal account I don't see a way around it using the current features of the webstore.

If you are charging a flat rate for shipping then instead of setting it up at PayPal just bundle it into the product price.

For now I do not claim to support shipped products, only downloads.



12/24/2009 8:28:41 AM
Total Posts 29

Re: Selling MP3s for download using Paypal Standard (charges for shipping)

Hey Joe,

Thanks for the reply and clearing that up.  I do have shipping setup globally for my Paypal account with the use of their tables (by quantity for now).  For example, Paypal lets you define if 1-5 items are shipped in the U.S. - cost = $2.00, and items 6-10 - cost = $4.00, and so on...  The advantage of using Paypal to calculate shipping is that you can also setup International Shipping costs seperately.  So if someone orders your CD from Europe, you can add more $ for shipping overseas.

It would be nice if Mojoportal would have a shipping calculation feature built in so that you can define it by products (of different size & weights) and just pass Paypal shipping included in the price.  That would be great if you make this available in 2010.  I can think of a few places I could use this!

In the meantime, I guess I could just turn off global shipping in Paypal and include a little extra in the price of the items in the mojo store.  However, this sort of thing has screwed me in other CMS solutions that I personally have built when I get international orders.  For example, I had an order for a CD from someone in the Netherlands and China and the shipping costed me almost $10 which was the cost of the CD in the first place... haha.  Oh well, there is a high price for fame right!  :)

Another thing I could do in the meantime - although more of a hassle, is to create 2 paypal accounts and 2 mojo sites and stores (an MP3 site & store pointing to a Paypal account that does not use global shipping) and a second site/store for items that are only shipped that does use the Paypal shipping tables.  But the limitation there is that if I sold say... CDs and Tshirts, Paypal does not know the difference between items and you cannot setup shipping tables for different items (but you can define shipping costs by weight which I guess would work ok).

In either case, I'm not doing a high volume of sales now anyway so I'll just factor in shipping in the cost of my CDs sold for Physical Shipment and hope that I do not get screwed for any international shipping rates :)

You have a wonderful CMS platform product here and I'm very happy to be using it and helping out with testing and evaluation for you.  I'm excited to see what features/abilities you add in 2010!  I'll be glad to evaluate and test for you :)

Thanks again for a great CMS solution and have a happy holiday & new year!


2/13/2010 11:03:28 AM
Total Posts 29

Re: Selling MP3s for download using Paypal Standard (charges for shipping)


Hey how's it going?  I just wanted to touch base with you and see if you have any new insights on adding support for shipping in the mojoportal web store feature.

I have a client who is selling software on her website (some products for immediate download and some versions on CD Rom - Shippable).  Your web store feature works great in both instances except when it comes to handling shipping costs.  We are using Paypal Standard and when mojo sends all the cart items for payment processing, there is no way to distinguish between downloadable products versus shippable products when it comes to tacking on shipping costs.

We spoke with a Paypal representative and they told us that as long as you use Paypal's "Add To Cart" buttons, then you can setup items that use their Paypal shipping tables/methods and items that you don't want to use it.  If you walk through Paypal's setup an "Add To Cart" button feature to generate the script for a button, you can tell it if you want to use Paypal's shipping methods for the item or not.  Unfortunately, there is no way to do this in mojoportal yet.  The "Add To Cart" links in mojoportal are generic and Paypal thinks all items get a shipping cost if you setup shipping globally. 

I think a quick fix to this solution could be a checkbox option on the Product edit screen that says... "Use Paypal Shipping for this item".  Then when you build the "Add To Cart" links for items in the mojo web store, it would add the piece that distinguishes between items for shipping and for download.  Just like when you create your own button script through Paypal manually.  Just a thought but I don't know if the in's & out's of mojo and how the add to cart links work.

I tried fooling the system by checking the box for a downloadable product "Is Donation" to see if it would fool paypal and bypass the shipping costs but Paypal still thinks the product is a "Goods" item and charges shipping for it.

Any help or solution you can provide will be greatly appreciate and compensated.  We are just trying to get her store up and running but didn't realize this would be so much of an issue.  We realize we may have to tack shipping on to the offer but don't want to get screwed if there are international orders wheras Paypal's shipping calculators can handle this.  But we just don't want to charge shipping for downloadable items.



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