File Manager direct link/icon

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1/9/2010 11:16:46 AM
Total Posts 218

Re: File Manager direct link/icon

Hi Joe, looking fancy. Here is some feedback.

First, please check out the custom admin bar I've been using on my mojo sites for reference:

1) The admin bar only shows up when someone is logged in (admin, content author etc, not registered users)

2) My goal was to create a single and simple admin bar that had the core links to the left like my account, signout, etc. I added the "workflow" link up there because otherwise as a content publisher there was no way to view the workflow page to approve changes and I didn't want to give them content admin privledges. I've got to keep it real simple.

3) On the right of the admin bar are the page tools, etc. But again, all the in the same admin tool bar. DNN has a similar setup, with all admin functions available in that top admin bar. I like in my example that all the logged in admin functions are in one admin bar accross the top of the page. It's very visible at the top of the page and in a brighter color (clients need a lot of hand holding, it's got to be ovbious - even bright yellow would be fine).


Now, regarding what you put together: I like it's interactive nature, that it can be hidden, always stays in view (doesn't scroll with page), the links are nice, clean and it feels fast.

However, I think it would feel more natural at the top of the page, and maybe have a brighter, bolder look to it. Maybe slightly smaller text so we could fit more. I think if users have to look at the top of the page for some admin functions and at the bottom that's confusing and a little more work than it needs to be. Personally, I think if you combined some of what I did with your bar technology and moved to the top that would be amazing (or make the position a setting preference). Just having the bar always present without the need to scroll would be huge.

Another common problem I have is when we build a custom application that needs access by the client who has say "content author" privledges is how to give them access to the tool we've built? A link needs to go somewhere. I've been just hard-coding a link up in the admin panel for these applications which is just "ok". Note: I don't want authors to have any access to the admin area (key) which I know can have custom links added. I'd rather have one (possibly customizable) admin panel. Maybe there's a way to allow a drop-down menu in the admin panel with "custom" links in it? Then the site admin could put links to their custom apps in there, mojo tools (workflow for example), etc without having to customize the code. Maybe it's an admin function for adding admin bar direct links, the links could even be set according to permission level, that would be really cool.

Anyhow, getting off track. I do like what you are doing there, if my feedback is useful then you're welcome. I've got a dozen mojo sites so far and adding more all the time, it's now our CMS of choice.

1/13/2010 5:40:53 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: File Manager direct link/icon

Hi Eric,

The toolbar is just css and images and a tiny bit of jquery for the show and hide logic. It can be customized and you could even add sub menus.

See my article which has a link to the original source of the toolbar. The original source shows how to make sub menus in the toolbar as well which you could use for extra custom links but for the admin links I wanted them to be available without extra clicks. Its all just skinning though, one can use it or do their own thing.

I prefer having it at the bottom rather than pushing content down from the top.

In case you haven't noticed, mojoPortal has been released with these changes.



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