How to retreive userID

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8/29/2006 4:18:31 AM
Total Posts 19

How to retreive userID


I'm developing a project tracking module.

I'd need to get the UserID of the table mp_Users when a user is loged in.

Is the UserID(which is an integer) already included in the class SiteUser.cs?

Can we obtain UserID from the cache(when user is loged in)?



8/29/2006 4:40:14 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How to retreive userID

Hi Thanh,

You are working with the 1.x version of mojoPortal in VS 2003 right?

I'm afraid there is nothing implemented there in terms of caching the siteUser.

In the 2.1.1 version there is a method SiteUser.GetCurrent() that checks the httpcontext for the siteUser and if its there it returns it otherwise it instantiates it, puts in  the http context then returns it. This ensures the user is only looked up 1 time during the request.

You can add this method to the SiteUser class:

public static SiteUser GetCurrent()
    if (HttpContext.Current != null)
    if (HttpContext.Current.Items["CurrentUser"] != null)
        return (SiteUser)HttpContext.Current.Items["CurrentUser"];
        if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
            SiteSettings siteSettings = SiteSettings.GetCurrent();
            SiteUser siteUser = new SiteUser(siteSettings, HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);
            if (siteUser.UserID > 0)
            HttpContext.Current.Items["CurrentUser"] = siteUser;
            return siteUser;
        catch { }


    return null;


I will add it to the 1.x sources to keep it in sync for your current work though I may be changing this implementation soon in the 2.x branch

Hope it helps,

6/26/2007 6:15:03 PM
Total Posts 112

Re: How to retreive userID

Hi Joe,

How can I find the UserId in a module I've written for a recent SVN? I've based my module on your EmptyModule and have tried the revisions to SiteUser.cs mentioned above; but I get compile errors.

Perhaps you have taken a different path since you wrote this note,
Dale E. Moore


6/26/2007 8:08:57 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How to retreive userID

Hi Dale,

using mojoPortal.Web;

using mojoPortal.Business;

SiteUser currentUser = SiteUtils.GetCurrentUser();

now you have an instance of the user and can get the integer id with .UserID or the Guid id with .UserGuid

Hope it helps,


6/26/2007 8:39:30 PM
Total Posts 112

Re: How to retreive userID

Hi Joe,

GetCurrentUser() didn't exist. So I updated the SVN and now I get "Microsoft Visual Studio Unable to read the project file 'mojoPortal.Web.csproj'. mojoPortal\Web\mojoPortal.Web.csproj(7088,2); The project file could not be loaded. Name cannot begin with the '<' character, hexadecimal value 0x3C. Line 7088, position 2. OK Cancel". I found this at 7087-7090:

<Folder Include="Data\Sites\1\flash\" />
<<<<<<< .mine
<Folder Include="Data\Sites\1\GalleryImages\EditorUploadImages\"

So I pulled 7088-9 and (wait for it)...

Unable to read 7092,45; The element <#text> beneath element <ItemGroup> is unrecognized.

<Folder Include="Data\Sites\1\index\" />
>>>>>>> .r2363
<Folder Include="Data\Sites\1\SharedFiles\History\" />

And it builds, but I still get:

Error 3 'mojoPortal.Web.SiteUtils' does not contain a definition for 'GetCurrentUser' D:\webs\MW\src\mojoPortal\Web\Modules\TechModule.ascx.cs 85 46 mojoPortal.Web

But I did find GetCurrentSiteUser
SiteUser currentUser = SiteUtils.GetCurrentSiteUser();

Now I get "A project with an Output Type of Class Library cannot be started directly" when I build the solution. But when I set mojoPortal.Web as the startup project, things go swimingly.

Errr the site debugs but the user is not "DaleEMoore" whom logged on, but instead "mojoPortal.Business.SiteUser".

Still scratching my head,
Dale E. Moore

6/26/2007 9:18:24 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How to retreive userID

My bad, I was typing from memory the method is SiteUtils.GetCurrentSiteUser(); as you found it.

if you want the name of the user its .Name, Email is .Email and so on for any user property.

Hope it helps,


6/26/2007 9:19:31 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How to retreive userID

or if all you need is the name then you can also use HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name


6/26/2007 11:18:25 PM
Total Posts 112

Re: How to retreive userID

This works PERFECTLY, thanks!

8/18/2007 12:23:24 AM
Total Posts 4 - China SEO

Re: How to retreive userID

How didi you lose your ID?

8/18/2007 12:23:41 AM
Total Posts 4 - China SEO

Re: How to retreive userID

How didi you lose your ID?

8/18/2007 12:23:59 AM
Total Posts 4 - China SEO

Re: How to retreive userID

How didi you lose your ID?

8/18/2007 7:13:09 AM
Total Posts 112

Re: How to retreive userID

Hi Trading,

Well truth be told, I never had it to begin with so it wasn't really lost like I didn't loose my last girlfriend; I just came home and she wasn't there.

Good luck,
Dale E. Moore

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