Editors using same skin as pages?

A place for discussion about skinning and design. Before posting questions here you should review the documentation about creating skins.

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11/25/2009 7:04:18 AM
Total Posts 114

Editors using same skin as pages?

Holy mackerel! I've been working on porting a theme over to mojoPortal for a client. I had reached a point where I needed some more content for testing, and when I went to the content manager to create some, both TinyMCE and FCKEditor were using the skin I'd been porting! Bottom line, I can't see to edit anything in either editor. Any suggestions as to how I can get the editor to just use their default skin without destroying the skin I've been porting would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Duane T. Doutel


11/25/2009 9:31:09 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Editors using same skin as pages?

Hi Duane,

Make sure you do not have anything defined in the body{} selector in your CSS. Anything you would normaly put in the body{} selector, put in the .pagebody{} selector instead.

Sometimes it is nice to have the editors use the same background color, text color and font as the rest of the site. For instance, if you have a black background color and white text color, you would probably want the editor to look the same to prevent confusion.

Joe D.

11/25/2009 10:30:08 AM
Total Posts 114

Re: Editors using same skin as pages?

Thank you, Joe; that didn't clear it up entirely, but works well enough to see what I'm editing. What I have now is the .pagebody background image in the editor entry pane. No matter; it gets me working again!

Best to you!



11/25/2009 10:40:46 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Editors using same skin as pages?

Make sure the html{} selector doesn't have any background settings. The .pagebody{} selector doesn't apply to the editors because the editors use an iframe and the body of the iframe doesn't have the pagebody class.

-Joe D.

11/25/2009 10:59:41 AM
Total Posts 114

Re: Editors using same skin as pages?

Hey Joe,

Urgh; yeah, that's where ONE of the background images lives, the one in the editor window. Problem with this skin, though, is that it uses 3 separate ones, each different, 'stacked' at different block levels. In short, there's so many of them I don't think there's a way around it. Would it be possible to declare an iframe selector with a simple background attribute in it for the editors?





11/25/2009 11:05:36 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Editors using same skin as pages?

You could add an extra div around your content and put the background image there:

<html> <--No css markup
<body class="pagebody"> <--CSS markup in .pagebody selector
<div class="wrapwebsite"> <--CSS markup with 2nd background image in .wrapwebsite selector
<div class="wrapwebsite2"> <--CSS markup with 3rd background image in .wrapwebsite2 selector

Yes, you could also use the iframe element to remove the image for the editors. So, in your css:

iframe html{background-image:none;}

Joe D.

11/25/2009 11:13:00 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Editors using same skin as pages?

As Joe Davis has mentioned, generally you do want the editor to use the skin css so that things look the same in the editor as they will after editing. The techniques he has suggested should be able to resolve those cases where you don't want background colors or images in the editor.

However, I will also add a config setting to allow you to override the css used in the editor for the next release. I just added it to my copy.

The setting will be as follows:

<!-- leave this blank to use the skin css in the editor which is generally the best approach

but if you need to you can specify a different url for css to use in the editor


<add key="EditorCssUrlOverride" value="" />

Of course this is not a site specific setting so it will apply to all sites in an installation if used.



11/25/2009 11:15:03 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Editors using same skin as pages?

And this is why I LOVE MOJOPORTAL!!!!!!

11/25/2009 11:33:45 AM
Total Posts 114

Re: Editors using same skin as pages?

Man! Thank you both! I knew I made the right choice with mojoPortal!

Oh, and for what it's worth, stay away from the iThemes "Essence" themes; if the customer hadn't literally insisted on it, I wouldn't have touched it with a ten-foot pole! Tongue out

You've both just jumped to very near the top of my "sterling character" list; again, many thanks!



11/25/2009 11:51:59 AM
Total Posts 114

Re: Editors using same skin as pages?

Ok! The iframe html css didn't work, but the extra div did; Thank you, again, Joe!



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