Authentication Required

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11/24/2009 9:14:01 AM
Total Posts 31

Authentication Required

Hi, we are using IIS, postgres, V When I use the image upload feature and I then try to choose the image I have uploaded, I get a Authentication Required popup asking for a username and password against our ip address. Any ideas?

11/24/2009 9:22:21 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Authentication Required

It sounds like you have Windows Authentication turned on in IIS and the permissions for the directory you are accessing aren't set correctly. I would check the configuration of the website in IIS and the permissions on the /data and /App_data directories.

Joe D.

11/24/2009 9:25:02 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Authentication Required


It sounds like you have basic or digest authentication enabled on the directory where the files are uploading when it should only have windows and anonymous authentication enabled.

I would also make sure the App_Data folder is writable by the web process.

Hope it helps,


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