How to modify the content page title for differnet styles?

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11/11/2009 10:46:56 PM
Total Posts 10
2 lefts don't make a right, but 3 do.

How to modify the content page title for differnet styles?


This is my first time using mojoPortal and it's going quite well and I really like the CMS so far. Im modifying a skin "styleshout-coolwater" to suit my design.

My problem is that I want to be able to assign different content titles to different stlyes. For a basic example, I would like the title of the content in the center to be orange and the title of the left side to be blue.

I have looked at the control files, tried modifying the Layout.Master to no avail.
I can change the style for "moduletitle" with CSS, but it effects all page titles. All the page title are wraped with <h2 class="moduletitle">test</h2>. Does anyone know what I need to do, or which files I can find the code that controls the page title insert?

The only solution I can think of is to un-check "show title" and insert a new heading in the titles, but I would rather the CMS handle it.



11/12/2009 12:55:38 AM
Total Posts 550

Re: How to modify the content page title for differnet styles?

Hi Rob,

See Styling Different Instances of a Feature Differently .

Hope Helps



11/12/2009 1:12:16 AM
Total Posts 10
2 lefts don't make a right, but 3 do.

Re: How to modify the content page title for differnet styles?

Hi Asad,

Thanks for the link, I have read that previously and it would work for me, except the div isn't wrapped around the title for some reason.

e.g. <a id='module7'></a><h2 class="moduletitle">heading</h2>

Is this normal, or is it something I can fix through the layour.Master or a control file?



11/12/2009 6:07:14 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How to modify the content page title for differnet styles?


Add this to your css, make sure it is lower in the file than any other rule that sets color for the h2.moduletitle

.leftside h2.moduletitle { color:blue; }


.center-nomargins h2.moduletitle,

.center-rightandleftmargins h2.moduletitle,

.center-rightmargin h2.moduletitle,

.center-leftmargin h2.moduletitle { color:orange; }


.rightside h2.moduletitle { color: blue;}

Hope it helps,


11/16/2009 3:13:42 PM
Total Posts 10
2 lefts don't make a right, but 3 do.

Re: How to modify the content page title for differnet styles?

Hi Joe,

Thanks for the CSS information, it worked like charm!!


P.S It would be nice to be able to change the heading tags to keep the markup semantic for SEO reasons, but this will work fine for now.



11/17/2009 7:42:42 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How to modify the content page title for differnet styles?

Hi Rob,

Not sure what you mean, the headings are semantically correct and provide good SEO.



11/17/2009 3:55:47 PM
Total Posts 10
2 lefts don't make a right, but 3 do.

Re: How to modify the content page title for differnet styles?

Hi Joe,

The headings are semantically correct and also setup correctly so there is good SEO, but I think it could be optimised. By having having the option to change the heading tags on elements such as the page title and site heading, especially on different pages e.g home page and about us page. Here is an article that explains the use of heading tags in more detial.



8/14/2011 8:47:29 PM
Total Posts 7

Re: How to modify the content page title for differnet styles?

Hi Joe,
I’m a new user of MojoPortal . I have read this discussion a few times and still couldn’t get it to work. When entering
.leftside h2.moduletitle {color:blue;}  at Feature Instance Settings>miscellaneous>Custom CSS Class, I got “Invalid Custom CSS Class”
Please advise, thanks

8/15/2011 3:26:03 PM
Total Posts 51

Re: How to modify the content page title for differnet styles?


If you want to effect all module titles on the left side and make for example their color blue, you have to add this at the end of style.css.

.leftside h2.moduletitle {color:blue;}

If you want to style some module titles anywhere on the page, you have to add for example this at the end of style.css and enter at "Feature Instance Settings>miscellaneous>Custom CSS Class" only modCustom.

.modCustom h2.moduletitle {color:blue;}

Hope that helps,


8/15/2011 11:11:48 PM
Total Posts 7

Re: How to modify the content page title for differnet styles?

Hi Erhan,

Thanks for our quick response and I appreciate that.

as per your suggestion, I have copied  .modCustom h2.moduletitle {color:blue;} to the end of style.css under skin of  artisteer-greenlagoon. and  entered modCustom at "Feature Instance Settings>miscellaneous>Custom CSS Class" i didn't get any errors this time, but the style of left side title wasn't changed.

I also tried to effect all module titles on the left side by copying .leftside h2.moduletitle {color:blue;} to the end of style.css. still nothing be changed in styles. i even trid to copy .leftside h2.moduletitle to  style-rtl.css and



are there any other settings need to be modified ?





8/16/2011 4:39:45 AM
Total Posts 7

Re: How to modify the content page title for differnet styles?

Hi Erhan,

I am sorry and i have to clear cache to make  it to work. for IE it works fine. for Firefox i have to restart IIS to make it to work. Anyway i will keep testing it. thanks you again.




8/16/2011 8:31:02 AM
Total Posts 2249

Re: How to modify the content page title for differnet styles?

Hi Dennis,

You may want to read the Skinning Overview documentation.

You don't need to restart IIS for any changes with mojoPortal, but sometimes you must reset the application pool the site runs in. To reset the application pool, simply open the web.config file, add a space to a comment, save the file, and then browse to your site again. When skinning, you have to do this to clear the server's cache if you haven't disabled the Cache settings described in the above mentioned document.

Joe D.

EDIT: Added the link to the documentation, sorry about that.

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