non Ascii URL error after edit modules

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11/15/2009 12:31:30 PM
Total Posts 104

Re: non Ascii URL error after edit modules

Thanks for your efforts

I post some urls and incorrect encoding urlتست-آدرس.aspx



I'm sure that the encoded url is not same as original as you see in your local.

11/16/2009 10:20:50 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: non Ascii URL error after edit modules


From more research I found this page

and this

and this

So, it seems only a subset of ascii characters should be used in urls and other characters should always be url encoded.

But if we do this then it will not be possible to have friendly urls with Persian characters as all the characters will be encoded and then the url is not so friendly.

I will add a web.config setting for "AlwaysUrlEncode" and I will make the default be true, but at least it can be disabled if your users are mainly using a browser where no problem occurs you will have the option to disable it and it will work as it has in the past.



11/16/2009 3:48:13 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: non Ascii URL error after edit modules

fyi, I worked on this today and I found that the solution of url encoding the entered characters works, in IE the urls look encoded, but other browsers decode them for display so it still shows Persian characters in the url in Chrome and Firefox even though it shows it as encoded in the page settings url textbox and in the db. 

The only problem is it won't fix existing urls, it will just create new urls correctly. I'm putting in some extra handling to try to make sure existing page urls will work with the <add key="AlwaysUrlEncode" value="true" />



11/16/2009 5:02:10 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: non Ascii URL error after edit modules

I've updated with the latest code, can you try it and verify it works correctly.



11/17/2009 7:03:22 PM
Total Posts 104

Re: non Ascii URL error after edit modules

Many thanks.

I test it, add a new page :تست-آدرس-فارسی.aspx

If I reach to page by clicking on menu , i can edit content several times whitout problem

but If I type the address using persian text, after editing I got Error 400, I test it 3 times.




11/18/2009 2:48:00 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: non Ascii URL error after edit modules

Please try again on and let me know if it seems fixed. I added one more setting to look for the unencoded url if the encoded one is not found.

I'm not sure there is anything else I can do since this is browser behavior of IE. Most users will access your pages by links rather than directly typing urls so I think in general we have got it as good as we can for IE. Other bowsers handle it better.



11/18/2009 11:33:07 PM
Total Posts 104

Re: non Ascii URL error after edit modules


I checked it , if user directly type the URL , will get error 404.

users who want edit content , must login to site and then go to the page , so this scenario does not happen more often.



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