Newsletter function

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11/3/2009 10:21:33 AM
Total Posts 20

Re: Newsletter function

Maybee I should try to install the previous version again and spend some time restoring what is lost because I didn't make the db backup.

Where is the pages I generated saved? Maybee theese tables can bee copied back into a new installation of the previous version? I just made some html and google maps.


Jacob :o)

11/3/2009 10:22:29 AM
Total Posts 20

Re: Newsletter function

Just saw your post from 11:19:28 I will try that.

Jacob :o)

11/3/2009 10:31:25 AM
Total Posts 20

Re: Newsletter function

I can't update the table. I get this error:


SQL query: 

UPDATE `culmsee_dk_db`.`mp_SchemaVersion` SET `ApplicationID` = UUID( '077e4857-f583-488e-836e-34a4b04be855' ) ,`Build` = '2',`Revision` = '0' WHERE `mp_SchemaVersion`.`ApplicationID` = '077e4857-f583-488e-836e-34a4b04be855' LIMIT 1

 MySQL said:

 #1582 - Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'UUID' 

I have no idea what that means - do you?

11/3/2009 10:38:20 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Newsletter function


Do it like this:


UPDATE mp_SchemaVersion
SET Build = 2,Revision = 0 
WHERE ApplicationID = '077e4857-f583-488e-836e-34a4b04be855';

UPDATE mp_SchemaVersion SET Build = 2,Revision = 0 WHERE ApplicationID = '077e4857-f583-488e-836e-34a4b04be855';

Hope it helps,


11/3/2009 12:18:04 PM
Total Posts 20

Re: Newsletter function

My site is back! :-))) Thanks.

The newsletter function however is still not running. The new progress bar just stays at "nothing" stating "started". So I guess it is more or less the same as before?


Jacob :o)

11/3/2009 1:42:03 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Newsletter function

Thanks for the beer Jacob!

It is very strange.

It should sleep for 10 seconds then it should log INFO: started LetterSendTask task

Now I do see one problem (a logic bug) in the LetterSendTask which could cause it to never send anything and never complete the task but it is unexpected conditions.

Letter letter = new Letter(this.letterGuid);

if (letter.LetterGuid == Guid.Empty) return;

if (letter.SendCompleteUtc > DateTime.MinValue) return;

if (letter.SendClickedUtc == DateTime.MinValue) return;

so the return there would prevent it from marking the task as complete so the task keeps running but isn't doing anything. I am correcting this logic now for the final release as follows.

Letter letter = new Letter(this.letterGuid);

if (letter.LetterGuid == Guid.Empty)


log.Error("LetterSendTask letter not found so ending.");




if (letter.SendCompleteUtc > DateTime.MinValue)


log.Error("LetterSendTask SendCompleteUtc already set so ending.");




if (letter.SendClickedUtc == DateTime.MinValue)


log.Error("LetterSendTask SendClickedUtc has an invalid value so ending.");




This way it will report the problem in the log and end the task.

I will post here again as soon as the release ships or if I make another preview build with this fixed. I can only guess that one of these unexpected conditions is happening.



11/3/2009 2:11:47 PM
Total Posts 20

Re: Newsletter function

You're welcome. I appreciate your help.

And I'm looking foreward to the next release.

Thank you.

Jacob :o)

11/4/2009 3:14:14 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Newsletter function

I've uploaded a new interim build on our Novell Forge download page that at least should not get stuck and should log any problem that is happening. build-2009-11-04. I don't think it will solve the problem but it at least might give clues in the log and then maybe I could solve this for the official release, so I hope you will try the new build and let me know.



11/5/2009 2:02:22 PM
Total Posts 20

Re: Newsletter function

Hi Joe,

I will try it asap. Maybee tomorrow.

I'll let you know.


Jacob :o)

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