A Few Questions

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10/16/2009 12:04:28 PM
Total Posts 154

A Few Questions

Sorry for all the questions I'm still new with Mojoportal.  I must say that so far I love the product.  It really makes life much simpler!  Here is a link to the site I'm working on.  www.mealsnmore.com  This site is still in the very early stages of production but it's coming along nicely. 

I can read and edit HTML code but as far as anything past that I can only read it a little, so I still having a big learning curve on how to tweak the skins.  Ok here are my questions.

Right now the links on my home page are right justified and I would like them left justified.  I looked in the layout.master and I think I found the area to tweak that but I'm not sure what to enter there to fix the justification.  Any ideas?

Does Mojoportal have a built in web counter? 

How can I move the rate this content bar to below the content?

I would also like registered users (or moderated posts) to be able to comment below each recipe and the rating.  What is the best way to do this?

When you click on the rating system it opens a "give us feedback on this content" window but when I fill it out I can't seem to find where that data went to.  How can I find this or have it publish to the page?

Where can I change the wording used such as "rate this content" to "rate this recipe"?

How can I put a picture logo in the top left instead of just the site title?

When you click on Recipes you see a large navigation bar on the left hand side.  I feel like this is going to grow out of control as the site gets larger.  Should I remove this or is there a better way to do it?  Any feedback on this would be great.

Should I put meta tags on each page individually or just on the site itself?

Thanks for the help all!  I hope this wasn't an overwhelming post.  I must say I'm very excited so far and I can't wait to get closer to site completion!



10/16/2009 2:10:32 PM
Total Posts 550

Re: A Few Questions

Hi Dave,

If you can break down this post into many post people can answer you easer. In this post some of your question may remain unanswered.


10/16/2009 2:15:32 PM
Total Posts 154

Re: A Few Questions

Thanks for the feedback.  I'll repost anything that doesn't get answered and I can't figure out.  I really didn't want to overwhelm the forum with all those posts.

I figured out this one so far.  "Right now the links on my home page are right justified and I would like them left justified.  I looked in the layout.master and I think I found the area to tweak that but I'm not sure what to enter there to fix the justification."

I had to edit the stylemenu.css of my skin to this value "div.AspNet-Menu-Horizontal ul.AspNet-Menu { float: left;list-style: none; margin:0; padding: 0;}"  Just changed the right to left.

So just a few to go.  :)

10/16/2009 2:26:26 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: A Few Questions


Almost anything to modify the skin is going to be in css. If there is markup you want to include on every page, you can put that in the layout.master file.

Currently you cannot move the rating nor change its label easily but that is good feedback I will ponder for future versions.

We don't have a built in web counter but we have built in support for google analytics which is a free service that can give you much more detailed reports than a web counter.

Currently the rating comments are not visible anywhere unless you look directly in the database. I'm actually planning to build a new comment system so we can attach comments to any content instance or page. One of the problems with the rating comments is you mostly get spam from automated scripts.

As far as meta data, you really do want to put a specific an unique meta description on every page for maximum SEO, but if the content of the page is good SEO will generally work out anyway. Meta keywords have been so abused historically that they are pretty much ignored by search indexes these days.

To keep your menu from getting out of hand consider first creating category pages for recipes and the hang the actual recipe pages beneath those.

See this recent thread for a similar question about site logo vs site title.

Hope it helps,


10/20/2009 7:35:30 AM
Total Posts 154

Re: A Few Questions

Thanks for the good suggestions Joe!

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