Event Calendar Pro / Multiple views on different pages

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10/14/2009 1:41:27 PM
Total Posts 14

Event Calendar Pro / Multiple views on different pages


Is it possible to show Events from Event Caledar Pro on multiple pages within the same site?

Lets say you have setup an Event Calendar on Page 1 and you want to have the same Event Calendar on Page 3?
If yes, is it possible to show it on Page 1 in List view and on Page 3 in Week View?
The goal is to add/edit events just once.

Thank you

10/14/2009 1:49:17 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event Calendar Pro / Multiple views on different pages

Hi Juerg,

Sorry but no, the Event Calendar Pro feature is not designed to be on multiple pages. 

Part of the reason for this is so that page permissions can be enforced consistently and part is because it generates friendly urls for events like event-name.aspx and these map to a real url (example ~/Events/ViewEvent.aspx?pageid=2&mid=2&ItemID=2) that uses the same pageid every time.

The view pages also must pass the same page id, ie /Events/WeekView.aspx?pageid=2&mid=2



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