Require approval of user registration?

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10/13/2009 10:41:38 AM
Total Posts 2252

Require approval of user registration?

Is there a way to require a site-admin to approve user registrations before users are allowed to login? I thought there was but I can't find it anywhere.

Joe D.

10/13/2009 11:15:59 AM
Total Posts 550

Re: Require approval of user registration?

Hi Joe Davis,

Set "Require E-mail Confirmation for Registration" setting to true, in Administration->Site Settings.

Hope Helps,


10/13/2009 11:27:11 AM
Total Posts 2252

Re: Require approval of user registration?

Hi Asad,

Thanks for your reply but I don't think that will accomplish what I am looking to do. I need to require that all registrations be approved by a site-admin. The "Require E-mail Confirmation..." requires the end user to confirm their email address; it has nothing to do with the Site Admin approving the account.

Joe D.

10/13/2009 12:47:55 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Require approval of user registration?

Hi Joe,

We have a way to notify administrators when a new user registers. This is accomplished by setting this to true in user.config

<add key="NotifyAdminsOnNewUserRegistration" value="true" />

While it does not prevent a user from signing in before approval, there is no real intrinsic permissions that result from signing in. ie they can't do anything by default that an anonymous user cannot do anyway so there is no real benefit to preventing them from signing in.

If you want to protect certain pages, you could make a role named "Members" and protect the pages with that role, then you can decide on a case by case basis whether to add the new user to that role after receiving the notification. Or the account could be locked by the administrator after he gets the notification if he does not want the user to be able to sign in.

Its also possible to disable site registration so only admins can create new site users. There could be a contact form where users could request an account.

People have asked in the past for a white list that could be used to allow only some email addresses to register. Its something we may  add eventually but not a very high priority.

Hope it helps,


10/13/2009 1:00:53 PM
Total Posts 2252

Re: Require approval of user registration?

Hi Joe,

I am aware of the Notification setting and I have set it. I was sure there wasn't a way to "approve" users. Thanks for clarifying it for me.

I agree, this kind of thing isn't really high priority.


2/27/2010 4:34:42 PM
Total Posts 13

Re: Require approval of user registration?


I found this interesting. In my case, authenticated users by default are able to post in the forum. We want only members who have confirmed the email notification and who are only verified by the admin that they are real members. we have created a new role - Verified Members and we want only the admin to allocate new members to this group, so that they can participate in the forum. Apart from this we want anonymus users as well as newly registered users (who have verified their email and in current state authenticated) to view the forum and not to hide the forums. we have a special forum such as for the leaders to have a separate forum only visible to certain role.

If i am right, this is not yet implemented. As a temporary measure, i am thinking to add a trigger for the mp_users to revert the IsLockedOut. Not figured out how but think of doing using comparision with the new and old values. I see also that when the admin allow someone he should pass additional task (change other field values) to make the transaction different from one passed by the confirmregisteration.aspx. Any better suggesion? thanks so much.


5/20/2011 1:01:09 PM
Total Posts 42

Re: Require approval of user registration?



This is great.

5/27/2011 10:21:10 AM
Total Posts 2252

Re: Require approval of user registration?

This feature was implemented in

Joe D.

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