error on first use

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7/17/2006 3:51:26 AM
Total Posts 27

error on first use


I just installed the 2.1 release of MSSQL on a SQL 2005 on my remote host.

I changed the webconfig.

During the copy process using FTP I received the message: the system could not found the DATA directory.

While testing the portal I  received this error message:

We're sorry but a server error has occurred while trying to process your request.

The error has been logged and will be reviewed by our staff as soon as possible. It is possible that the error was just a momentary hiccup and you may wish to use the back button and try again or go back to the home page.


Any ideas?

Many thanks

7/17/2006 4:02:35 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: error on first use

The Data folder beneath the web needs to be there with all of its contents and needs to be writable by the aspnet worker process.

I don't know about your ftp error but maybe it did not upload all the files and that would be a problem.

If the Data folder is there and writable then any error detail will be in ~/Data/currentlog.config file

If you see that file then download it using your ftp client and read it to get a better understanding of the error. If you don't see that file then the Data folder is not writable and that needs to be corrected.

Hope it helps,

7/17/2006 4:07:55 AM
Total Posts 27

Re: error on first use

Thanks for the quick reply.

I do not have the Data folder in my web structure.

If I would ask my hosting provider to create a writable Data folder for the aspnet worker process, will that be enough information for them? Or do I need to ask for more?




7/17/2006 4:19:13 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: error on first use

No, you need to upload the files again, the Data folder is not an empty folder there are required files in there.
Once you have all the files uploaded without error then you may need to have your host make the Data folder writable if it is not already writable.

Hope it helps,

7/17/2006 5:43:04 AM
Total Posts 27

Re: error on first use

ok, I check all the file from the zip archive and the ones that I uploaded.

I discovered that the .skin files were not copied.

Also I found out that in my connection string I used an IP number with a portnumber. I removed the portnumber and now the mojo portal is up and running.

The Data is writable by default because the currentlogs.config file was update with (amongst other messages) a meesage about the wrong connection string.

Thanks for your help




7/17/2006 7:20:58 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: error on first use

Excellent! Glad you're up and running.


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