about it UrlFwd

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10/5/2009 4:07:21 AM
Total Posts 85

about it UrlFwd


    I am the owner of the domain name two.  www.abapdanismani.com and www.abapspecialist.com. abapdanismani dot com, dot com a way abapspecialist..(abapdanismani [urlfwd]==> abapspecialist)..

    My problem now; two types of routing(UrlFwd) available..

      1 - Redirect

      2 - Frame

    -      routing "frame" feature is, Can not login to the system. also "frame" feature at the bottom left of IE explorer gives a warning error.

      but these problems "Redirect" feature is not experienced. When the problem happens with the "Redirect to UrlFwd. But I "Frame" I want to do routing. Is this a solution?

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; OfficeLiveConnector.1.4; OfficeLivePatch.1.3)

Timestamp: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 09:03:19 UTC

Message: Permission denied

Line: 2

Char: 140

Code: 0

URI: http://www.abapspecialist.com/ClientScript/IE8.js



Thankyou for help me,


10/5/2009 8:30:29 AM
Total Posts 2252

Re: about it UrlFwd


Do you want  to have your site use both adapdanismani.com and adapspecialist.com? If so, all you need to do is set both domains as site headers in IIS.

If you want users to always be directed to adapdanismani.com, set both domains as site headers in IIS and then set the "AllowForcingPreferredHostName" setting as described here: http://www.mojoportal.com/forcing-a-preferred-host-name.aspx.

Hope this helps,
Joe D.

10/5/2009 8:40:52 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: about it UrlFwd

I think Volkan is not running his own server but using a host.

Its not going to work with url forwarding or frames.

If you want to host multiple sites by domain names you need a fixed ip address and then point both domains to this same ip address. Then you can force a redirect with a preferred host name as Joe Davis has said.

The error about permission denied sounds like a file permission issue where there is not read permission on that script file or else it is missing.

Hope it helps,


10/5/2009 11:25:14 AM
Total Posts 85

Re: about it UrlFwd


Yes i m using a webhosting, my webhosting name abapspecialist.com . I dont need multiple sites now . I want my users are always using abapdanismani.com... (REDIRECT feature can use. Feature can not use FRAME.)

I'm using two separate companies for domain and hosting... Mokiner company's have my domain name (both abapspesialist.com and abapdanismani.com)... Niobeweb company's have my webhosting... So my both domain FW my webhosting company's...

Moniker company's (abapdanismani.com and abapspecialis.com) =====> (FwUrl http or pop ....) to Webhosting Company's. No problem so far.

write to all users abapdanismani.com no problem and can use when they go a abapspecialist.com. (abapdanismani.com redirect forward as I have)

orientation on the explorer when I do this, and then abapdanismani.com direction of the other sites are replaced with the name of the site saw. I then forward feature explorer Keep My Name www.abapdanismani.com always to "REDIRECT" feature was removed and forward feature as "FRAME" I chose.After changing this feature to the site entered as www.abapdanismani.com option is chosen, and whether LOGIN mail written after the ID and password can not be seen as LOGIN.

My English is not very good sorry. I hope you're understanding.I want to ask you briefly ;

Domain company, to WebHost company, Forward features REDIRECT if I was successful running. Forward features, but if I FRAME, direction with the address (with www.abapdanismani.com) into the site, the LOGIN page opens OK, but write and mail and password when logging in to the site is unavailable.

If you want to try feature FRAME I left for you. (Problem with the way I left) user name "test001@abapdanismani.com" password "test001" ...


10/5/2009 11:32:10 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: about it UrlFwd

frame is not going to work, its not possible to set a cookie when a frame from one domain contains a page from another domain.

Just use url forward and then follow the advice Joe Davis mentioned, follow the link he gave about forcing a preferred host name in mojoPortal.

Then mojoPortal will do the redirect to your preferred domain.

Hope it helps,


10/5/2009 12:02:11 PM
Total Posts 85

Re: about it UrlFwd

Thankyou Joe Davis and Joe Audette for help me. I understand you, thankyou again...


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