css and javascript error

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9/29/2009 6:49:51 AM
Total Posts 23

css and javascript error

Hello to all.

Im using server 2003 with the latest build of mojoportal for postgresql database.

Ive followed the documentation to install it but it is not working well now.

The CMS works but no CSS is loaded.

Here can be found an example http://internal.bio3.pt/cms where only plain html is loaded.

When using firefox no error is triggered, however sometimes when using IE 7 it triggers an javascript error something like 'sys not defined'

Anyone has any hints or faced the same issue?


9/29/2009 8:43:44 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: css and javascript error

Hi GP,

I think the FAQ has some info that might help you. I extracted what I think will help most:

When the setup page runs and it creates the first site, all the skin files are copied from


So typically it will copy them from /Data/skins to /Data/Sites/1/skins. It will only do this if the /Data/Sites/1/skins folder does not exist. Sometimes during installation it may copy some of the files but not all of them and the result will be that your site has no style. If you manually copy the /Data/skins folder to /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/skins and then touch your Web.config file (ie download it an upload it again or type a space in it and save it) to clear the server cache and then also clear your browser cache it will fix the problem. Typically, SiteID will be 1 in a single site installation.

Joe D.

9/29/2009 3:23:05 PM
Total Posts 23

Re: css and javascript error

Hello Joe D.

Ill give a try.

This is the frist time i face this, using IIS 5.x it works ok, but IIS 6 i get this error.


9/30/2009 4:52:50 AM
Total Posts 23

Re: css and javascript error

Hello to all.

I've checked the Data\Skins and Data\Skins\1\Skins and they both have the same content.

So i'm not sure if it's a lack of some missing css files, which doesn't look to be the problem. Meanwhile i've been using IE7 and when visiting the application i have a few client side errors, one of the is: 'sys' in undefined.

After googling it theres a few ASP.NEt foruns stating that this error is triggered because the is no javascript loaded.

http://forums.asp.net/p/1040236/1446560.aspx http://weblogs.asp.net/chrisri/archive/2007/02/02/demystifying-sys-is-undefined.aspx http://geekswithblogs.net/ranganh/archive/2006/11/24/98276.aspx

Anyone had this problem?

It looks like the web.config needs to be updated to allow this client side files to be loaded, but anyone knows what needs to be changed?

9/30/2009 6:43:05 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: css and javascript error


Is this an upgrade or a new installation?

If its an upgrade then don't assume the files are the same in /Data/skins and copy them to /Data/Sites/1/skins and overwrite the older files.

The way to troubleshoot this problem.

1. Look in the Administration > System log for any errors that may be related.

2. View the source of the rendered page and copy the url for the ...csshandler.ashx... and then paste it in a new browser window. Do you get an error or do you see css?

Is this site running on a private network where users do not have internet access?If so you may need to host the jquery and YUI files locally instead of consuming them from the google CDN which is the default.

Hope it helps,


9/30/2009 9:41:21 AM
Total Posts 23

Re: css and javascript error

Hi joe.

I have some news on this subject.

This is a clean install, not an upgrade, however i've tried upgrading an existent mojoportal and this happen also.

Right now i've changed some extension mappings on IIS 6 and the style is shown. My hint was this post i found here http://aspadvice.com/blogs/sswafford/archive/2007/01/25/ASP.NET-AJAX-v1.0-Sys-is-undefined-error.aspx. Even editing this as refered it did not fix the whole page but some styles were applyed.

Right now when using firefox there's no erros but IE 7 triggers some errors, one of them is related to jquery. So the solution to this should be as you point out. Serve them (javascript libraries) locally.

I'll try to do what you say, i'll report back the result.


Latest verison of yui supported is YUI 2.x or 3.x? There is now 2 versions available?

9/30/2009 10:03:45 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: css and javascript error


That jquery issue in IE was fixed and the release was patched this morning. If you download it again and then just get the new version of /ClientScript/oomph/oomph.min.js and replace your existing one it should fix that.

Hope it helps,


9/30/2009 1:11:12 PM
Total Posts 23

Re: css and javascript error

Hello again.

I've replaced the oomph.min.js with it's latest version from svn.

When using this libs are not loaded by my IIS, but changing it to false and adjusting they're paths i get less errors exept the jQuery UI which i'm facing a few difficulties to setup

I've also followed whats suggested in http://www.mojoportal.com/intranets-and-private-networks.aspx. This helped removing a few errors from the client side scripts since all libs were served from my server.

However i think this line is not clear enough, so when saying:

Download the jQuery UI files and put them beneath /ClientScript/ and then configure this setting with the appropriate path:

My questions are:

Ive went to http://jqueryui.com/download and what should i download?

For troubleshooting i've downloaded a complete version and and i get several folders with several js files, so were should i put them?

Do i only need the jquery-ui.min.js? or others that came with it as well and were do i put them?

Is there any IIS config that disable the use of javascript libs served by google CDN?

9/30/2009 1:36:50 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: css and javascript error

Please describe what is the folder structure and file names of your jquery ui package after unzipping it?

9/30/2009 1:43:31 PM
Total Posts 23

Re: css and javascript error


My steps.

1- Visit http://jqueryui.com/download
2- Since i dont know whats necessary to download here, i've checked all components
3- Then selected vrsion 1.7.2 and hit download
4- I have a zip file with 2 main folders named: development-bundle and js

So were do i put these?

Thanks once more :)

9/30/2009 8:18:36 PM
Total Posts 23

Re: css and javascript error

Hello again.

By trial and error i was able to figure out what needed to be done in order to download serve localy jquery ui.

After the steps above i've downloaded the current 1.7.2 build http://jqueryui.com/ from here (instead of building a custom download as i was doing)

Then after opening the zip i went to the js folder and adjusted the file named jquery-1.7.2.custom.min.js to jquery-ui.min.js. This file was put on \ClientScript\jqueryui172.

The folder develpoment-bundle had child folders named themes, external and ui which were also put on \ClientScript\jqueryui172.

After the necessary adjustments on web.config all was done.

Now it is working.

Never the less i have to find if there's any IIS setting on Windows Server 2003 that could block a IIS website to access the google cdn.


10/2/2009 1:24:37 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: css and javascript error


Thanks I just updated the documentation with your additional notes about jQueryUI.

The thing to realize about loading scripts from the google CDN is that its not about IIS. IIS never loads the file from the CDN. When using the CDN we are just rendering script links into the page that use the Google CDN urls. Its the browser that loads the file based on that link not the server. So if the user has internet access it works fine because the file can be loaded from the internet, but if the user has only local network access then the file cannot be downloaded from google by the browser.

Its also possible that IE browser setting come into play. IE sees sites as coming from either the Internet Zone or the Local Zone. If it sees your intranet as part of the Local Zone then it may have configurations that prevent loading scripts from the internet zone in the context of a local zone page.



10/2/2009 2:42:13 PM
Total Posts 23

Re: css and javascript error


I see about the CDN, i have to check my server config about networks.

But for now it's working and thats the most important. :)

Thanks once more.


10/2/2009 7:29:43 PM
Total Posts 2

Re: css and javascript error

I had the same problem when I deleted everything to fix a problem I had with APP_BROWSER folder when I reinstaled it on IIS7 the site workedbut I had no css or themes I then downloaded the source form codeplex unzipped and copied everthing the the folder IIS is pointing to and upon a refresh I got all the themes and everything works fine know

10/2/2009 8:50:10 PM
Total Posts 23

Re: css and javascript error

Never tried to do that.

I've setup mojoportal many times on XP with service pack and IIS 5.x. All times everything worked well.

If i get this problem again i'll try your way.


2/10/2010 4:26:10 AM
Total Posts 22

Re: css and javascript error

Same problem. The solution was this phrase

"The folder develpoment-bundle had child folders named themes, external and ui which were also put on \ClientScript\jqueryui172."

which was not included in the instructions here.

Thanks to all!

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