How can I edit the Header/Footer contents?

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9/23/2009 11:28:28 AM
Total Posts 2

How can I edit the Header/Footer contents?

Hi, I'm totally new to MojoPortal.    Is it possible to edit the header/footer contents right from the web?  When Editing content I have the option to edit only the Left, Center and Right panes.  But how can I edit the header and footer?

Thank you!

9/23/2009 12:07:16 PM
Total Posts 550

Re: How can I edit the Header/Footer contents?


Sorry,  you can only change a logo and a title for site in header, and a copyright text in footer form site settings section in administration menu. You can add other html tag to your skin in layout.master file.

Hope enjoy from mojoPortal,


9/23/2009 12:16:03 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How can I edit the Header/Footer contents?


As Asad said you can edit the header and footer of the skin by editing the layout.master file of the skin.

However, some skins also have 2 extra content sections and these can be used the same as the 3 columns and can be used for editable header or footer content.

If you try the skins andreasvicklund-02-alt1, i7media-2horizontalmenus, and ramblingsould-5contentpanes. Then you will see more than just 3 columns in the PageLayout.aspx page because it detects these extra content sections.

Hope it helps,


9/23/2009 12:24:11 PM
Total Posts 2

Re: How can I edit the Header/Footer contents?

Thank you guys!

6/13/2011 5:02:30 AM
Total Posts 88

Re: How can I edit the Header/Footer contents?



I´ve try to put the div #wrapfooter with display none in Layout.Master (Master Page), layout.master (App_DesignTimeStyle) and in viewport.Master but the footer is always visible.

How can i hidden the footer panel?



6/13/2011 5:14:23 AM
Total Posts 88

Re: How can I edit the Header/Footer contents?

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