Modify skin

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9/13/2009 10:37:14 AM
Total Posts 180
Thomas F. Heringer

Modify skin

I am not sure about where this should go. Question is the most recent changes in css going to affect Custom skins? I think what I am asking is am I going to have to modify my skin to make it work in the most recent release?

9/13/2009 10:44:53 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Modify skin

Nothing about the latest release requires you to make any changes to your skin. We have had a system that allows the css files to be organized any way you like since version, so as long as you are not upgrading from a version older than that there are no changes required.

All we've done is organize the css files differently in the included skins to make things easier for designers to find. We combined some files and renamed some files but the css itself did not change, just the file organization. The style.config file is what determines which files are included. Your custom skin will keep working as it does, there is no need for you to re-organize the files in your skin the same as the included skins. 



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